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Yoongi twirled a box in his pocket; it'd been a long time since he'd touched this box. He waited in the courtyard for the others alongside Namjoon's and Hoseok.

Hoseok sat on the two seater patio couch and Namjoon stood in the middle. Yoongi sat on a boulder that faced the pool. He was entranced by the shimmering pool lights as they glistened off of the water.

"Can you believe him? I mean Jimin talking to her is insane.." Namjoon spoke as he paced back and forth.

"I mean I don't know...maybe we should talk to her?" Hoseok added

"For what? To give her a chance to lie to us again? I don't think so. You were there Hoseok...you saw it just like me, just like Yoongi and just like Jungkook. She tongued that bastard down right in front of us." He hissed

"Joon, we've known this woman for majority of our lives. We know her, so why is that entire event not sitting right with me?" Yoongi joined in the conversation, still staring at the pool.

"Yoongi's right," Jin said as he neared the group with Jungkook by his side.

"Like hell he is," Jungkook spoke as he plopped down beside Hoseok, "We all saw it. She chose Ja-Won, my dad, and my fucking brother...she chose them and decided to become a whore. Then had the nerve to have another kid." He bit the inside of his cheek

"Woah Jungkook, let's not say that." Jimin said as he entered the area with Taehyung and the two sat in the two chairs off to the side.

Jin sat in the adjacent chair, "I'm just saying, if we wanted an explanation, now would be the time."

Yoongi stood up from the boulder and walked over toward them to sit beside Jin.

"Jungkook, wasn't your mom in this position before her?"

"Watch your fucking mouth, Min." Jungkook hissed

"He's right, Jungkook. And we all knew your mom...loved that woman more than anything...so you really think that this was a life she chose?" Jimin added

"There's no way that you guys are trying to justify what she did. The way she spoke about the kids? What's wrong with you guys?" Taehyung spoke with such a pained tone, "20 years....20 years she left us. And we're just supposed to let it go? No. I'm not-"

"Loona told me they saw her...the year we went to the amusement park. They saw her and she blew them off. Pretending like she wasn't exactly who they knew she was. Can you explain that Jimin? Yoongi? Jin? Hoseok? Can you explain why she would do that?" Namjoon spoke slowly as he focused on each of them, "She doesn't care about the kids and she doesn't care about us. Let's cut our losses. The kids aren't happy, we aren't happy. I say...we go home."

"Go home? What?" Jin asked quickly as he stood

"Yes. Go home." Namjoon said once more

"We'll put it to a vote," Taehyung said softly, "All for going home, say I."

"I," Jungkook said as he raised his hand.

"I," Taehyung said,

"I," added Namjoon.

"All opposed?"

Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Jin raised their hands causing the other to sighed harshly.

"Come on! What more do you need?!" Jungkook shouted

"I just...a week okay? Not even a week just a few more days and each of us has to at least have a conversation with her. Each of us." Jimin demanded, "If hearing her side doesn't change your mind then...okay, we'll go home. But you cannot force those kids to."

"The hell we can't," Taehyung hissed before he stormed out of the courtyard and into the house.

"Great, I love being trapped in a house with my ex girlfriend, her other ex boyfriends and our shared kids." Jungkook said sarcastically as he to got up from his seat and exited the courtyard.

Namjoon glared at the remaining men before following after Jungkook.

Hoseok sighed before lying back on the couch. Jin sat back down, a tired expression on his face while Yoongi and Jimin stared blankly.

"I just...." Jimin sighed

"What did you two talk about today?" Yoongi asked

"I just really think you all need to talk to her. I promise you won't have a twinge of anger left for her...for others? Yes. But her? We all seemed to forget that just like our kids...Sera was a victim too." Jimin stood before sighing once more, "Goodnight guys," he finished before walking away

"How's West?" Hoseok asked

"He'll live, Jungkook doesn't want him around Misa though,"

"We knew that." Yoongi chuckles

"Anything else?" Hoseok inquired

"Mm... I found this in his pocket." Jin said as he handed Hoseok a piece of paper. On it was a phone number, directions and a last name.

Hoseok looked at it quizzically, "You and Yoongi are good with this kind of thing, figure out what it means." Jin said before he made his exit.

"Gonna be a long night," Hoseok groaned

"Not like we got shit else to do." Yoongi chuckled


Namjoon caught up with Jungkook; it wasn't uncommon for the two to often have these chats but it hadn't happened in a while. Jungkook had stopped his travels beside the large pond fountain with the stature of a woman holding a small small as the water fell from her eyes and flowed into the fountain base.

And stared at the water until
Namjoon came to stand beside him.

"Don't ask me how I'm doing, Joon."

"I wasn't going to." Namjoon replied as he stood a few feet behind the man

"Then why did you follow me?" Jungkook wondered but didn't turn around. Instead he turned his head, chin above his shoulder as of pushing Namjoon to speak.

"Just wanted to make sure my friend was okay."

"I'm fine..." Jungkook trailed off

"Fine? What's going through your head? You don't make the best decisions when you don't talk it out."

Jungkook scoffed and turned to face Namjoon, "What's that supposed to mean? Hm? I act impulsively?"

"You can, yes."


"Look, I know I'm not the one you really want to talk to. So since you're pissed at who you do want to talk to, what are you gonna do?"

Jungkook shook his head slightly, not uttering a word.

Namjoon walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I don't like this any more than you. But we made a deal with Jimin. We've got to follow through-"

"You all made the deal. I didn't agree to anything."

"So what? You're going to ruin the great friendship we've had for 20 plus years? Over not having a simple conversation with her?"

"Do you even hear yourself?! How many conversations can we have, Namjoon? How many times can she do this to us? To them? It isn't fair."

"Many things aren't fair, Kook. We've got to start thinking about the kids, man."

Jungkook sighed deeply before he shook his shoulder from Namjoon's grip.

"Yeah..." he muttered before brushing past Namjoon and leaving him standing there.

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