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The plane ride was awkward, not enjoyable in the slightest. The food wasn't good, Hiro kept complaining because he hates long plane rides, Yoongi was grouchy because he couldn't sleep due to Hiro's complaining and Taehyung and Taeyong kept arguing about the conversation from before boarding.

The two eldest off he bunch really were the most argumentative. Misa had her moments but it was truly Taeyong and Hiro who always took it the furthest.

The exit was smooth, they'd gotten off, gathered their luggage and made their way to their vacation home.

"Whose is this?" Sera asked

"Mine. I wanted to bring the kids to Jamaica one day. Never happened so I just use it as an air bnb." Namjoon chuckled

"Brings in good money," Jin says, "People are always visiting Jamaica."

"I see why," Sera begins, "It is beautiful."

"Wait until you see it during the day." Yoongi softly said

She didn't point out that he'd spoken to her with no malice. Only smiled and continued on her journey through the home.

Once rooms were decided, which a struggle in itself because there were only five rooms.

Hiro and Yoongi shared a room, Taehyung and Taeyong, Zin and Jimin, Ji-Han and Jin, that let Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jungkook to share with Sera.

The room was the largest, had a full bath, pull out couch, and a California king bed.

"It's like you were preparing for me to come home." She boldly said

"The guys and I aren't shy to sharing a bed. Just wanted enough space for the kids to run around, therefore I couldn't have a fourteen bedroom home." Namjoon said, unpacking.

She nodded, "Ah, makes sense," she had unpacked her things and gone into the bathroom to shower.

Jungkook lounged on the pull out couch, rubbing his eyes and already falling asleep. "We're getting to old for this."
He groaned

"Mm?" Hoseok hummed

"Running about, saying people. Too old." Jungkook continued

"Weren't you the one who ran up in your fathers house with guns blazing?" Namjoon wondered with a grin

"And I'd do it again. I'm just saying, I think we should end this once and for all. No more chances. Just end it all and walk away happy." He sighs

"What are you saying Kook?" Hoseok questioned

"I think...I know we made a pact but I want to be with Sera again. For real this time, a real family. We're in our thirties now. Don't we deserve a little....I don't know, rest? I just want to rest with the guys I care more for than anyone in the world besides the kids, the kids we all created, and the woman we love." He closes his eyes, breathing slowly, expecting to be criticized and yelled at,

Hoseok sat on the bed, his fingers folded together, "Me too. I'm so done with this. It's always been eight. Always. I don't how we could pretend like we didn't miss her presence, like she wasn't the one thing that made us whole. Namjoon, you're always the hardest to get through to and yet for Sera, your shell crumbled so easily. I don't care what date her parents created for her, she's out and you know that."

Namjoon nodded, "I do. And I want it too, believe me. But... It's not just about us...the others—"

"Will agree. It's Taehyung that's the problem." Hoseok chimes

Namjoon nods, none of them realizing that on the other side of the door, Sera had been waiting for the shower to warm when they began talking.

She knew she shouldn't listen in but she's nosy so she couldn't help it. She felt the same, wanted. Them all back and close to her. She'd been thinking the same that death was the only option, but didn't want them to look at her funny.

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