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Misa ran down the hospital wing. Sera had told them where West was, not knowing that Jungkook didn't want him to know where the boy was.

Sera had been young and in love. Something that she was quite fond of. He first loves we're currently avoiding her, all but two.

Yoongi and Jimin had been taking their turns of having her attention all day, which was something she wasn't used to.

She felt Misa's grip getting tighter as they neared the room. When she entered, with her mother in tow, she quickly released her and ran to West's side.

"Misa?" He said happily before the two indulged in a hug at an awkward angle since he was in his bed.

"I'll leave you to it." Sera said with a sly smile before exiting.

Misa waited for the door to close and gave West the biggest, wettest kiss that she could.

West smiled as they finished and she gently crawled into the hospital bed with him.

"Your dad will kill us if he sees us like this."

"Yeah? Too bad, I don't care." Misa replied as she snuggled into him, "I missed you."

"And I, you. We kept missing each others calls. I'm sorry about that." He apologized

"'re busy with work...I know that." She replied understandingly

The room filled with silence for a bit; neither wanting to address the elephant in the room. West coughed slightly while Misa picked at her nails.

"I'm about 2 months now..." she said softly

"Wow...7 months to go...Excited?"

"Um...I'm not sure. With everything happening...moving...finding mom...I don't know, I haven't had the time to be excited."

West only nods as he listens carefully.

"Are...are you excited?"

"Me?" West asks, "Well...well I don't know. I mean I love you but... I wasn't ready for kids."

"Well I don't think you're ever ready for kids...I think it just happens and then you get used to it and the way it changes your life." She says

West doesn't speak again and neither does Misa as they lay in solitude.


Sera exits the hospital wing in low spirits. Being in a relationship with seven men made her sensitive to emotions, auras and being able to read people just by their eyes. Wasn't a magic power or anything, just intuition.

The feelings that she was getting from the young man weren't good ones. She had been so lost in thought that she hadn't even noticed the man in front of her.

Jungkook stood like a brick. Hair in a small bun at the back of his head, sweat staining his stomach and pits, black loose shorts and small strays of hair that fell from his face.

He stared at her, breathing deeply from whatever exercise he had been completing. Sera only hoped that he couldn't here her breathing change.

Jungkook pointed between them, "You and me, outside." He said lowly before walking through a back door.

Sera was confused, couldn't understand why he'd suddenly want to talk to her. But, unbeknownst yo her, Jungkook was annoyed and just wanted to fulfill Jimin's wish.

'Just talk to her and get it over with.' He repeated to himself.

As they entered the pool area, Jungkook checked and made sure no one was around before he ushered Sera to have a seat at the small table in the corner.

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