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Loona sat on the roof letting the cold breeze hit her skin in such a way that it comforted her. She's showered, braided her hair into a single braid and even ate what little her Jin abeoji could make her.

When a knock on the window behind her abounded, she didn't need to turn around and see who it was, she knew.

It opened and he struggled getting through but eventually managed, sitting beside her.

"Hey...." He edged

"Hey...." She replied

"Ya know.... In high school I used to do this with your mom." Namjoon said with a smile

"Oh yeah?" Loona sarcastically spoke

He nodded, "We used to get into these really bad fights," he sucked his teeth in, "And we'd say fucked up shit and it'd get real ugly." He chuckles, "The others would always have to step in..."

"Mm..." Loona hummed

"I uhh..." Namjoon scratched the back of his head, "I guess I haven't changed..."

Loona picked at her fingernails then tucked her stray hairs behind her ears,


Loona looked over to him,

"We used to talk about everything... Somewhere down the line I fucked that up and keep fucking it up. I missed your birthday... Now I've shot..." Namjoon sighed, "Tell how to fix it... What to do?"

Loona looked away from him, looking out into the vast beauty that was Jamaica.

"I don't know daddy..." she crept out, "I don't know anything anymore."

Namjoon nodded, "Well.... You do know that I love you no matter what, right? You're my best friend."

She nodded, looking at him with teary eyes, "You're my best friend too."


Sera had entered into her bedroom, finding her youngest daughter awake and coherent. When her eyes laid on her mother she ran into her arms and hugged her tightly.

Sera met her with the same desperation. She'd missed all her kids, but Rose was the youngest, needed more care.

"How are you?" Sera asked once they finished hugging and sat on the bed,

"I'm good... Really good... I want to see my siblings.... But I never EVER want to see daddy again."

"Now Rose—"

"No mom... he has a new family... and... I love him... I do but daddy is not a good person.... He's never been a good person. In my small time with them, my siblings dads have been better fathers to me." She quickly said, "It's not that I want something to happen to him... But also..."

Sera shook her head, "Don't go there... Because once you do it's hard to come back..."

"I hate him... I hate him so much.." she softly said

"Hey," Sera turned the child's face to her own, "Inhale, clear your mind, breathe."

Rose did as she said, calming herself down, "I don't want to go back..."

"You won't... Ever... Now, go find your siblings. I'm sure they miss you." She said and Rose happily nodded, standing from the bed.

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