"Happy birthday!" we all shouted and Ellie's face turned into pure happiness.

The party was in full swing as everyone was eating and chatting happily, Arthur, Tessia, Mai and me were in a corner of the room talking about our incoming enrollment at Xyrus Academy until a very disturbing sight came into view

A bunch of snotty brats was talking with Ellie and her friends, their intensions clear, I started walking towards them prepared to disintegrate the little shits

"Leave her be, it's her party she should have fun" Mai voiced as she grabbed my arm

"She's free to have all the fun she wants as soon as I get her away from those brats" I retorted

"Agreed" Art said as he also tried to walk towards the brats

"Art, do I have to remind you that we were roughly their age when we got engaged?" Tessia voiced

"That's exactly the problem, she is way too young to date someone" Art replied

Before anyone could say anything else a clinking sound draw our attention, turning around we saw dad clinking a spoon on his glass of wine

"Before the next portion of the party begins I would like to thank everyone here on behalf of my precious daughter, for coming here to celebrate her birthday" dad declared while clearly drunk, Ellie just blushed embarrassed and used her hands to hide her face

"I've been blessed with so much in life but there would be ni greater joy than for my daughter and one of my sons to partake in the first dance" dad continued and at this Ellie's face turned into a mix of panic, fear, shock and anger while mom had a vein throbbing on her temple trying with little to no success to hide her rage at dad'd stunt

"You're bettern than me at dancing, you handle this I'll make sure mom doesn't kill dad" leaning in I whispered to Art

"Okay" he replied as he walked over Ellie and I made my way towards mom

"You do realise what kind of disaster this could be if Arthur wasn't skilled at dancing right?" mom questioned dad angrily reprimanding him and banning him from alcohol for the rest of the evening after Art managed to pull off a perfect show dancing with Ellie

"Good thing he's engaged with a princess" Tabitha commented with a laugh

"What did I miss?" Lilia showed up a little short of breath, she was wearing a long sleeved cobalt blue dress with a large frilled skirt (A.N. I have no idea if it's the right color but it's the same dress showed in the comic)

"Oh, Lilia you managed to make it!" Tabitha said

"Yes, luckily I made it in time more or less"

"Hey, Lilia"


"Good evening"


We all greeted her and she turned around to greet us with a smile on her face, smile that died as she saw Mai with her arms wrapped around my left arm basically hugging it, over the course of the evening she found out this was the most effective way to keep all the girls at the party from asking me for a dance and of course Tessia was doing the same with Art

"Ehm, w-what are you doing?" she asked confused

"Making a statement" Mai and Tessia replied and Lilia made an even more confused face

"Oh right you don't know, ehm Mai and I are engaged" I told her

"Oh" I could see her face stiffen and her eyes welled up a bit "I-I think I'll go give my congratulations to Ellie" she said as she started leaving walking quite fast

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