105th & final chapter

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The weeks went by. And I wavered between happiness about the upcoming wedding and slight melancholy because Garreth had to go to work again.

We had sneaked back into the castle a few days before the kids came back and showed Sebastian our memories. He cried a lot, but seemed like the happiest person in the world as he looked at it all.

I was feeling quite well, and apart from frequent morning vomiting, I noticed almost nothing of my pregnancy. Garreth checked every morning to see if all was well, and also taught Sebastian the Videpercorpus spell.

Except Anne and me, the rest went to Hogsmeade together one weekend to buy new clothing as well.

Sebastian was an absolute angel. Much like Garreth in the first pregnancy, he was guarding me. However, he let me move and cooked with me and Sammy together, but paid close attention to how I was feeling and if I was eating enough. We really spent a lot of time together cuddling on the sofa. Most of the time he was sitting and reading to me and the kids from all kinds of books while I laid my head on his lap.

The children understood with him really well and I had the impression that Sebastian was settling into the role of father more and more every day. He had bought Eddie his own bagpipes so they could practice together. It was really lovely to see them together like that.

Eddie was as lively as ever, but he now spent a good part of the day practicing playing the bagpipes.

Sammy was rather quiet in general, but he tried to pick up everything Sebastian told him. He especially liked to listen when Sebastian told him stories about great wizards or important Muggles.

Otherwise, Sebastian taught us all how to play the Scottish card games Birkie and Maw, which he still knew from his own childhood. We spent some time with that every day too, and then Garreth normally came home.

When Anne and Ominis, who indeed gained employment in the ministry, came to visit us, they were properly involved by the children and joined in the card game. Sammy usually sat down with Ominis and told him what cards he had in his hand.
It really were two wonderful months until it was time to get married.

Sebastian and I had already been packing all our bags for the last few days. Neither Anne, nor the children, nor I knew where the wedding was going to take place, so we just did what our mens asked us to do.

Friday after school ended, Garreth hurried home. You could tell he was terribly nervous, while Sebastian still appeared quite calm. He seemed very happy, but relaxed.

Garreth ran around with the children in front of the house to reduce his nervousness, until Sebastian ordered us to go to the cellar under the guise that we had to prepare something for tomorrow.

When Garreth and I came back upstairs after a quickie, all four of them were standing in the kitchen making dinner. Garreth and I looked at each other and smiled broadly.

After dinner we all went to bed at a very early hour; after all, we had to get up early in the morning.

And so we did. Together we got up. While I had a shower, Sebastian and the children made breakfast while Garreth brought the suitcases to the door.

Gwen, Anne and Fayette met at our house while the men went ahead with the children.

Anne really looked recovered. I was glad that our trip to the Gaunts had really been the right choice, even if I can remember what Perilian did to me. It was all worth it.

Gwen and Fayette took us to our Floo powder chimney in the shed. Anne and I followed them. But against all expectations, we didn't go into the fireplace, instead Fayette took our hands and grabbed an old brush. And suddenly, a moment later, we were somewhere I had never been in my life. We were in a house. A magnificent house, with high ceilings and ornamental decorations.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ