19th chapter

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"And how has your weekend been so far?" Natty asked. Sebastian, Garreth and I blushed. "Exciting." I answered. Garreth and Sebastian nodded in agreement.

"Up until a few hours ago, it was honestly pleasantly boring," Ominis said.

"What about yours?" I asked. Both shrugged. "Annoying. Cressida is getting more and more exhausting. We literally fled from her.", Nellie said. "Wonderful. As if she wasn't exhausting enough without her moods." Garreth said annoyed.

I could feel my stomach growling. "Shall we go to dinner?" Garreth asked. I nodded. "I have to go in the bathroom for a moment. Are you waiting for me here?" I asked. "Of course," said Sebastian. "I have to go too, wait, Caelie!" Nellie yelled. She rushed after me and we went to the bathroom together.

"Caelie what happened?" Nellie asked me softly when we got to the bathroom. "We got caught with alcohol, didn't Sebastian tell you that?" I asked confused. "Oh, Caelie, I don't mean that. Sebastian fixes you with his eyes intensely while Garreth doesn't do anything, even joking with him? And besides, THAT," she grabbed my wrists, "what did you do? Tell me everything !" she said curiously.

I tried to recount the events of the past few days to her with the least amount of detail possible while I was in the bathroom to clear up the results of our visit to the Quidditch pitch.
"Wow, how did you manage that Garreth didn't kill him right away?" she asked, impressed.

"Well, Garreth isn't a saint either. He manipulated me and robbed me of my chance to make my own decisions, and that's exactly what I confronted him about. But I think the biggest thank you goes to good old Felix." I drew the empty vial out of my skirt pocket.

Nellie was impressed. "Okay, but I have one more question. Where did that come from?" She pointed to my wrists again. "Garreth. But that's still harmless, look. That was Sebastian." I undid the top two buttons of my blouse. "Caelie, I wouldn't have thought that you would like something like that." She laughed, "but what is that?". She pushed the collar of my blouse aside. I looked into the mirror. On my neck were two big bruises. "That was Gareth.". Nellie raised her eyebrows, impressed. "Man, interesting, I've known you for so long, but that you're in such a mood... How unexpected. But I'm glad that everything turned out so well".

We rejoined the group. Both Sebastian and Garreth smiled at me. "Shall we all eat together? Our table is pretty empty on the weekends as most of the snots visit their families.", Sebastian invited us. "Why not. Are you guys okay with that?" I asked the other Gryffindors. Everyone nodded, so we walked into the great hall and sat down at the Slytherin table. Sebastian and Garreth sat next to me, Ominis sat next to Natty and Nellie across from Sebastian.

"Why don't you guys go visit your families, you're snooty Slytherins yourself?" Natty asked laughing.

"My family consists of monsters who torment muggles and their own children for fun." Ominis spoke softly. Natty's face froze. "And both my parents died when my twin sister Anne and I were four years old. Anne lives with my uncle because she can't come to Hogwarts anymore. And since he kicked me out of the house again, I'm already fine back." Sebastian said. Now both Slytherin boys looked depressed at the ground.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you had to go through this kind of experience," Natty said, mortified.

"It's fine, it's not your fault. We know that you didn't mean that question in a bad way, Natsai. But it's just difficult for us. Especially because in my case many pure-blood fanatics don't understand why I'm moving away from my family But I don't think much of that pureblood gibberish. Anne and Sebastian are the best people I know, and they're half-bloods. Why should I care where they're from? My Slytherin blood doesn't make me a better person. More like me Opposite.",
Ominis explained and got himself something to eat.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें