103rd chapter

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When I was done showering, Garreth gave me another ointment to use for the pain in my privates. And it helped immediately.

We went back downstairs together and fell asleep leaning against each other on the sofa while we talked. Yvain and Gwen brought us blankets and let us sleep until the next morning.

"Do you want to ask her, or should I?" Garreth asked me the next morning as he gently stroked my hand.

"You do.. Feel free to tell her everything. It's okay," I said softly. Although we had summarized what had happened, nobody said a word about the rape.

"Mum, we have a question for you. You can't always get pregnant, can you? Can you see if she's fertile at the moment?" Garreth asked, sitting down again. He looked serious, which Gwen noticed as well. "What's up?" "Perilian raped Caelie. In front of our eyes. While we were stunned. Now we're worried that something could happen. Caelie doesn't want that and I think I speak for Seb when I say we don't either."

Gwen looked horrified, "I'm sorry about that. You shouldn't have to have that kind of experience... And to your question Gary, theoretically you can narrow it down. You can't determine it 100%, but you can see when the ovum is mature. Sperm cannot survive in the uterus for more than five days. If the egg cell isn't ready yet, you can pretty much rule it out. Do you want me to check it out?" she asked, patting my shoulder. I nodded.

Gwen rushed into the kitchen and got her wand. I sat down and lifted my blouse.

Gwen ran her wand over my stomach again. "No, don't worry, it can't have happened," she said confidently."How did you find that out? I want to see it too." Garreth said, drawing his wand. Gwen showed him where to look.

Garreth squatted in front of me with his eyes closed, examining the spot Gwen had shown him. He furrowed his eyebrows and, after continuing to examine my stomach, lowered his wand. "Mum's right. You can't get pregnant from Perilian... You're already pregnant."

Garreth gave me a loving smile. "Seems like one of you guys needs to get a job after all. And I think we need to expand the house further.", he said and grinned happily at us.

Sebastian stood next to me with wide eyes and just looked shocked, "How long? How old is the fetus?" He asked skeptically.

"In terms of height, I would say seventh or eighth week. It's still tiny. You'll be parents again," Gwen said and smiled at Sebastian, who just fainted a short moment later.

Garreth fanned him while Gwen measured his pulse. "It's alright, just the shock. You have to remember that this is his first time hearing those words."

Garreth's face beamed. "And this time everything is perfect. Sebastian doesn't have to worry about getting to Azkaban because you killed both of them with your magic that no one can see, I'm alive, and even Aunt Anne and Uncle Ominis are there.", he said and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

It took a few minutes for Sebastian to wake up properly. He sat on the floor with his back against the sofa and looked at us, still looking completely shocked. But he did smile gently.

Yvain and Gwen gave each other a happy look and went outside. Anne came downstairs. She and Tina had slept upstairs in Garreth's old room, while Ominis continued to snore quietly on the living room floor. "What are you all smiling about? Did I miss something?"

"Anne... I'm going to be a father. And this time I'll be able to witness everything.", Sebastian said while he cried happily.

Anne smiled and sat down next to Sebastian. Sebastian took her in his arms and cried even more. "I'm so sorry about everything, Anne. I missed you so much. I'm sorry for always being so stubborn. For guarding you so much. For fighting with Solomon all the time."

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