20th chapter

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Garreth and I walked into the room, closing the door behind us. He grabbed me by the waist, lifted me up, and threw me onto the bed, back first. He lay down on my side, rested his head on his arm, and looked at me with a smile.

"So that's how you imagine our bedroom later?" I asked smiling. "Yes, just with windows on the walls instead of the ceiling. I suspect the room just doesn't allow normal windows. But I'd love to have nice big windows with flower boxes on the window sill where you can grow all kinds of potion ingredients... Do you like it?"

I cupped his smiling face in my hands and pulled him close enough to reach him. I kissed him and said, "It's perfect. Have you planned our whole house yet, or do I have a say?" I asked, laughing.

"Oh Caelie, actually I don't care how and where we live. I just want to be with you. And preferably forever." Garreth said while stroking my cheek.

I rolled onto my side and rested one leg on Garreth's hip, burying my face in his neck. He placed his free arm over me and gently pushed my head toward his body.

"I love you Garreth." I said while kissing his neck. We lay there snuggling up and listening to the music on the gramophone.

He was so warm, his skin so soft, and his smell so alluring. I focused on his steady breathing and heartbeat as we just lay there and enjoyed our presence. I closed my eyes a little, and gave myself completely to the relaxation, I could hear Garreth snoring softly. He had fallen asleep.

I thought briefly of the time with Sebastian in Feldcroft, and immediately felt guilty about Garreth.

Regardless of what he did, I felt deeply sorry for the burden I was putting on him. I knew that he only made all of those mistakes because he really loved me. Maybe it was unhealthy love on his part, or even an obsession, but I didn't care. I have never felt so loved by a person as I have by him.

But then why did I keep thinking about Sebastian? What did he give me that Garreth couldn't? Or did I just have feelings for Sebastian because he was like Garreth in so many ways? Or was it exactly the other way around? After all, I swarmed at first for Sebastian. Was Garreth the replacement because I didn't get Sebastian? My thoughts pulled me into a deep hole.

I carefully disengaged myself from Garreth's hug and moved a bit to get a better look at him. The room had already realized that we no longer needed bright sunshine. The light was as if the sun outside was just about to disappear behind the horizon until the next morning.

He looked so peaceful as he lay and slept with his mouth slightly open. I looked at him intently and the butterflies in my stomach were dancing wildly. No, Garreth was definitely not my substitute for Sebastian. But why did I start developing romantic feelings for him so late?

Whenever I imagined my future, I saw Garreth by my side, and not just since I realized how I felt about him. It wasn't possible for me to imagine a future without Garreth, but when I thought about how I would most like to live, I also saw Sebastian by my side. Was this my destiny? To mess up both of their lives with my indecisiveness and relegate them to a life where they had to share me? Neither of them deserved that.

Silent tears ran down my cheeks. I wanted them both to be completely happy.

Out of nowhere, Garreth's hand reached toward my face, his eyes still closed, gently wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"Why are you crying? There's no need to cry. You make me so happy, Caelie. And I want you to be happy as well," he said sleepily. "But Garreth, you deserve more than what I'm giving you," I replied. He placed a finger on my lips. "Shhh, don't say that. Sallow isn't that bad either, I have to admit, maybe we can even become friends one day. But don't tell him. We'll get along. Everything will be fine," he continued without his eyes to open. He didn't allow any more arguments, pulled my head to his chest, and stroked my hair until I fell asleep.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now