50th chapter

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The following weeks passed slowly. I hardly ate, slept, or spoke, only attended classes, but didn't listen, and in my free time lay in the Room of Requirement. I tried my hand at Garreth's guitar lute, but failed.

Sebastian came to my room every day after class and occupied himself with me. He began teaching me to play the lyre to distract me. We cuddled a lot, but Garreth was missing. In every minute.

We also spent the weekends in the castle. Sebastian flew to our house in Devon once every weekend to water Garreth's plants and bring home any books he'd read. I could not bear it. I didn't want to see this house until Garreth was with me.

There just wasn't any good news. Garreth's condition was stable, but the wounds just wouldn't heal. He was under permanent control and we have not yet been allowed to visit him.

It was February 2nd when Professor Weasley intercepted me and Sebastian before Transfiguration class.

"He's awake!" she said, smiling. "Do you want to visit him after class?"

Sebastian and I smiled at each other and nodded happily. In the past few weeks, we've gotten much closer emotionally. We've been close physically the whole time, but now we're on the same page emotionally.

"Then use your lunch break to get something to eat. Your weight loss worries me." Professor Weasley said patting my thin arm. Sebastian and I walked into the great hall hand in hand. As he had done more often over the past few weeks, he and Ominis sat down at the Gryffindor table to eat with us.

As always, Ominis was pretty quiet, but he was watching out for Sebastian. I didn't tell him about what Sebastian did to Cressida. I didn't want him to worry any more.

Nellie and Natty didn't talk to me much. They noticed quite quickly that I wasn't listening to them. That's why they often stroked my back to show me that they were there. And although I couldn't show it, I was very grateful to them.

Sebastian and I grabbed and ate as much as we had in the past few weeks.

"Is Garreth feeling better?" asked Natty. Sebastian nodded, "We can visit him later."

Natty, Nellie and Leander were beaming at us. Leander was hanging out with the two girls a lot now, and I felt like he was really okay. His arrogant and unsympathetic facade has been crumbling ever since the first incident with Cressida.

The last hour was the Care of Magical Creatures. Normally, this was one of the few classes that Garreth and I went to without Sebastian and Ominis. Poppy did her best to distract me, but I was so excited and nervous about finally seeing my Garreth again afterwards.

Sebastian, Professor Weasley, and the other three smaller Weasleys picked me up from the classroom while Poppy and I were still grooming the kneazels. Garreth was usually very happy to do that, so I did it for him. He loved kneazles and at the moment I wanted to do everything he liked. I don't know exactly where this need came from, but I gave in to it. I then felt close to him for a moment and could picture him squatting next to me to pet the newborn kneazlebabys.

Sebastian and I walked hand in hand after the other Weasleys. We went to the principal's office. Professor Black looked at us all with a bit of disgust. He was a pure-blood fanatic and none of our blood statuses were enough for him. Sebastian as a half-blood, with me where the blood status is officially unclear, and the Weasleys as dirty blood traitors.

We all used the huge fireplace together and suddenly found ourselves in a stone, busy entrance hall.

Prof. Weasley took us to a small station on the 1st floor. Together we entered the station where we met Yvain and Gwen directly.

"Have you been to see him yet?" Prof. Weasley asked. Both of them shook their heads. "No, we were just looking through that window. He just had a new blood transfusion." Gwen said and started to cry again.

"We shouldn't all go in at the same time either. Go ahead. He seems very nervous," said Yvain.

Sebastian and I nodded. "Why is Sebastian already allowed in and I'm not?! I'm his sister.", Jennie started to scold. "Yes, I think Garreth is more relaxed when he sees that that insane girl didn't hurt either of them," Prof. Weasley said, putting her hand on Jennie's shoulder.

Sebastian and I went to the door with the sister.

Garreth was lying in bed with his eyes closed. "Garreth, are you asleep?" I whispered. His head snapped up and his emaciated face started to smile.

"My two darlings," he said softly, "Sit down."

Sebastian and I leaned over him. I stroked his unusually fluffy, but angular cheeks and gave him a long kiss. It was so nice to finally see him again.

"Sorry, I can't really move," he said quietly. "The most important thing is that you're alive," I said, sitting down. Sebastian trembled, he put his hands on Garreth's cheeks and gave him a no less loving kiss. Through the glass I could see the Weasley family looking at each other in confusion.

Garreth's face regained some color. "What happened?" he asked as we sat down next to him and held his hands.

"What do you remember?" Sebastian asked. "Nothing. I was on my way to see where Jennie and Hector were when I was suddenly attacked by a figure in a black robe. Then fled behind the statue of the one-eyed witch and tried to get a healing potion out of my pocket and then everything went black."

"Garreth. It was Cressida. Cressida wanted to kill you.", Sebastian said, "But she's gone again. I tricked her a bit and now she's under constant surveillance. Even got her dagger, but thanks to your scar cream it's hard to see." "What do you mean tricked?" Garreth asked, shocked.

"Let me tell you that later. We're not the only ones who missed you either.", I said, "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know. Everything hurts. The wounds don't seem to be healing. How long was I gone?" Garreth asked. "Nearly four weeks," I said softly. "Four weeks? Really? Oh my goodness. You must have been so worried." Garreth said and let his head fall back again.

"Shall we go outside first so that the others can come to you?" I asked, gently stroking his cheek.

"Stay here. Feel free to bring the others along, but please stay with me." He said quietly and I could see that his eyes were wet. "Of course.", Sebastian said and waved at the others through the window. It was only then that he realized that everyone could see him greeting him, and blushed bright red when the Weasleys smiled at him.

The others came in and Garreth's smile widened. We sat and talked for quite a while before the nurse asked us to let him rest again slowly.

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