32nd chapter

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Garreth remained seated with his family. I went into his room and took a scroll of parchment, my quill and a candle. I lit the candle and started writing a letter to Sebastian.

My Sebastian,

By the time this letter reaches you, I'll probably just have arrived in Paris. I miss you already and I am really looking forward to December 29th. Garreth has already clarified with his family that we are leaving early. Without you it feels like a part of myself is missing. The three of us have grown so well together over the past few weeks.

I hope you enjoy your time in Feldcroft with Anne and Ominis. Greet them for us. And you should explain our complicated situation to Anne, so that it doesn't get awkward.

We wish you a Merry Christmas in advance. From France it will not be possible for us to write to you. But know that I think of you often. The night in Hogsmeade with you two was truly magical.

I'm really looking forward to having you around again.

With love, Caelie.

PS: I think Jennie is in love with you. She adores you very much. So now I have to be careful that she doesn't take you away from me.

I applied my lipstick, leaving a mold of my lips and a squirt of my perfume on the parchment to make it as personal as possible.

I rolled everything up and sealed it but couldn't find any string, so without further ado I grabbed my red and gold striped Gryffindor tie.

I opened the window on Garreth's bed and climbed onto the roof. I walked to the edge of the roof and called for Athena, Garreth's owl. I didn't have an owl of my own, so Garreth told me a long time ago that if I ever needed to send a letter, I could always call Athena. Athena didn't respond, so I called her again. Still nothing. Was she out hunting or just didn't feel like listening to me. Stubborn beast, I thought to myself, and tried to take a look inside the barn. I lost my balance and fell down.

I hit the ground. My left arm hurt a lot, I had no feeling in my hand and it looked a bit twisted as well. I swallowed down the pain and entered the barn. Athena sat in her seat and looked at me stupidly.

"Athena, please. Take this letter to Sebastian Sallow in Feldcroft." I begged her. I held out the roll to her. She snatched it up and flew off into the distant darkness. Please bring her, I thought to myself.

I looked down at my arm and huffed. I wanted to avoid anyone seeing that I was sending a letter. It was all so uncomfortable for me. Actually, I would have just gone back down later, but now I was already down and couldn't climb back over the roof. I had to go through the living room, where everyone was looking at me. I snorted.

I slowly hobbled to the front door, took another deep breath and opened it.

Everyone looked at me. It was only now in the light that I saw blood running down my arm. Garreth jumped up in panic and ran over to me. "What have you been doing?" he asked worried. "I fell off the roof." I said softly. Garreth immediately turned and ran upstairs while Mrs. Weasley calmly seated me in one of the kitchen chairs.

Garreth came back downstairs, in his arms he held many herbs, various bottles and vials. In a panic he ran around the kitchen to collect everything until his mother held him, "Gary calm down, everything's fine. Look, the bleeding has almost stopped.".

She calmly guided him to my arm, "Caelie isn't unconscious, she's not bleeding profusely. The arm probably only broke once or twice. Not pretty, but nothing dangerous. It'll be all right in a moment.". Gareth nodded. He calmed down slowly.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora