79th chapter

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I had a really bad feeling when I saw the parchment neatly rolled up.

As I was about to open it, I felt myself shaking a little. Something was wrong.

Dearest Caelie, dearest Garreth,

First, I would like to apologize to you.

I put some sleeping pills in your teas last night, now I'm going to write this letter and then I'll be leaving.

I will turn myself in to the Ministry and take on the murder of Solomon.

If you, Garreth, hadn't stopped me I would have killed him. I know that Anne did it out of desperation. Because of me. Because she wanted to save me.

Now I heard that apparently someone told the ministry that I was responsible for the Inferi and that I had committed the murder of Solomon. And even if Anne killed him, I will be punished for the other crimes alone. So it doesn't matter whether I take on this one more murder or not.

I know that I will never be free again anyway.

Both of you can live a wonderful life without me . But I can't leave Anne to rot alone in Azkaban. Not for that one mistake she made because of me.

I am responsible for everything that has happened and I am sorry.I'm sorry I went so deep into the darkness.I'm sorry for making you think that the three of us could just move on and build a beautiful life and watch our kids grow up together.

I'm also sorry that I believed it myself.

But most of all, I'm sorry to have to leave so close to our wedding.

But please, get married anyway. Enjoy the celebration. Enjoy the life together that is ahead of you. You both still have so much ahead of you.

And please don't grieve.

I have prepared a vial for each of you. They are both potions that erase any memory of me from your mind. So you don't have to be sad. So you can live your life as if the last year didn't exist.

But please know that I love you with all of my heart and will never forget you. The memories I have with you and the love I have experienced from you over the last few months will stay with me to the end.

But there won't be any more great turns in my life. But in yours. That's why I'm asking you to drink the vials empty.

I didn't have the heart to secretly give it to you.

I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you. I found out early last week but didn't know how to tell you guys.

I don't know why someone reported me to the ministry now after all this time. And I don't know who it was. But in the end, it doesn't really matter either. I am guilty.

I'll go to Feldcroft in a moment and give Anne one last letter too.Please forgive me. And please don't try to rescue me. I don't want Anne to have to go to Azkaban.

Not because of her stupid brother who understood too late when it had to be over.

I love you more than words can express.

And I thank you for everything, but especially for the love I was allowed to experience from you.

For the first time in my life you made me feel like I had arrived.

But what is it always called? You should go when it's at its best. And better now than later, when we have built our life together.

Please take care of yourselves. Be there for each other and talk to each other. Keep treating each other well and enjoy life to the fullest. Do your exams, get jobs you enjoy, raise beautiful little kids.

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