96th chapter

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"I believe he's in Ireland. Probably near the Gaunt estate in a muggle town. It has to be close enough that they would never look for him there, but also far enough away that nobody accidentally bumps into him. And the city has to be big enough that the Gaunts can't just slaughter everyone, but it shouldn't be too big either, and it shouldn't have magical landmarks.

I found an old map downstairs between my books. I haven't drawn any locations yet, I haven't had the time to do that yet, but I think that's at least a starting point," said Sebastian and looked at us seriously. He got up, got the map and sat on the sofa.

"When the hell did you find this?" I asked, laughing. "I was up for an hour last night. I still have nightmares. I don't know if they'll ever stop, but my nightmares wake me up once or twice a night," he said, leaning back into my shoulder .

"I'm so sorry I can't help you. But there's no darkness in you," Garreth said, stroking his cheek.

"It's all right, handsome man. I don't expect anyone to be able to help me with that. But you can help me with this.", Sebastian said and spread the card out on the table. He circled several areas and indicated which ones he would like to search. There were four places where Sebastian, based on several arguments, saw the greatest likelihood of Ominis presence.

"When do you want to go?" Garreth asked. Sebastian shrugged his shoulders, "Basically I don't really care. Of course, I would like to confront him as soon as possible, but I will go according to you. Depending on when you have time."

"Jennie wants to take the kids to Viviane's at the end of summer. Shall we use the time they're gone?" I asked. "Great, I'd just ask her how long she wants to be away. And until then, we enjoy the summer, and the time. Now that we are finally complete." Garreth suggested, smiling. Garreth summoned his Patronus and sent it to Jennie to ask. A few minutes later came Jennie's reply, "I was thinking two weeks. Do you guys need more time?"

"Three weeks might be even better. We want to visit the gentleman who betrayed Sebastian. If you want, I'll pay you for the extra week," he replied, sending his Patronus back to Jennie.

"Yeah, let's make ten Galleons and you brew me a bottle of Felix Felicis," replied Jennie's mouse Patronus.

"Alternatively, I suggest you leave on August 5th and get twelve Galleons," he said, sending his ermine over again. The two of them often talked like that. I thought it was quite sweet how loving they still treat each other.

"12 Galleons, a bottle of Felix Felicis and you'll have to make me Beef Wellington when you get back." "Deal.", Garreth sent his ermine out for the last time.

"All right, how do we go about it? Do you want to attack as a large group or do we go in threes?" I asked quietly.

"In threes. It's true that larger crowds irritate him because then he has problems understanding everyone, but no. I think our revenge should be done on our own. So that no one has the opportunity to betray us afterwards. It's not like I'm going there with the thought of killing him no matter what, but I want to know why he turned me in. Depending on what his answer is, I'll decide what to do with him," Sebastian said quietly.

"Do you need some dueling practice?" Garreth asked, grabbing his wand. Garreth hadn't even bothered to get dressed. In the meantime, he didn't care at all in front of my parents, which is why he and Sebastian both only walked out the front door in their underpants.

I saw Sebastian slap him on the butt before they both stood a little apart from each other.

They started. Garreth had really honed his dueling skills in recent years and was now quite a worthy opponent. It still wasn't his style, but he wanted to be able to protect me since Sebastian was no longer there.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now