71st chapter

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We landed in front of the Weasley's house. Garreth hurried inside to tell his parents not to say anything about Caelie's absence.

Jennie came outside and beamed at us. "Sebastian! Nice to see you! Did you guys shrunk Caelie?" she asked pointing at Ellie. "No, this is Caelie's little sister, Ellie. Ellie, this is Jennie, Garreth's little sister. Come on, get to know each other!" I said, smiling.

Ellie got off and went to Jennie. "Hi Ellie, would you like me to show you my room? If you sleep here we can share the room." Jennie said as they walked in.

Gwen and Yvain came out and said hello to Fayette and Edvin.

"You look almost exactly like Caelie!" Yvain said, laughing. "And you look just like Garreth. Impressive!" said Fayette, also laughing.

"I hope you can find her," Yvain said softly. "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Weasley for looking after our daughter over the years," Fayette said.

Yvain's eyebrows rose. "Of course. Caelie is part of our family. Next summer at the latest.", he said and smiled. "And by the way, my name is Yvain. And the lovely lady next to me is Gwen."

"I'm Edvin and the older, blonde Caelie is Fayette. And your son is a really great young man. He's got some amazing skills," Edvin said, smiling. "Yes, he's great. He grew new legs on me. Unbelievable, isn't it?" said Yvain just as Garreth came out.

"I'll be around as soon as we have some info. Oh, and Ellie might be a late bloomer, best try to tease the magic out of her." Garreth said, pushing himself off the ground.

We flew to Marlee's house. Edvin got off and was amazed at what we have accomplished over the past few months. Garreth dropped the mask he had been keeping for Ellie and looked just as distraught as he had been before we arrived in Iceland.

We got off and Fayette immediately ran towards the shed. "Here's something!" she yelled.

Garreth and I looked at each other in irritation. We had already scanned the area around the shed.

"Alderney. Isn't that an island?" she mumbled as she crouched on the ground. I looked at the spot where she was looking. Did she see ancient magic? Then it became clear why we could not find anything.

"Is that written there with ancient magic?" Edvin asked. Fayette nodded. "Caelie never said that was there. So this seems new." Garreth said quietly. "Yes, it wasn't there when we last visited here in May either.", Fayette said and looked at us.

"Okay, then we know our next destination. Off to Alderney.", I said and handed the three of them their brooms.

"We should get a map first though. I only have a vague idea of where that might be and we don't have time to get lost," Fayette said as we began to fly. We flew back to Ottery St Catchpole and bought a map from a bookshop. It was really handy that Garreth always had muggle money with him.

Now that he had a goal in mind, he seemed a lot more relaxed. Still nervous, but a little more calm.

We flew to the coast, leaving the mainland. We were flying for a while. We must have flown a good three hours since we left Devon. In front of us an island appeared in the far distance. Was that Alderney?

We landed and looked around. It took us a while to find a sign that had a place name on it, but yes. We had arrived at Alderney. It was afternoon now and Garreth's face was bright red again. It was still the middle of summer.

We continued to search. Fayette was particularly in demand. If the clue in England was already readable only by ancient magic, surely new clues would be readable only by ancient magic as well. Fayette stopped on a more secluded street and looked at the ground. "An arrow. We're right," she said quietly.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora