61st chapter

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Sebastian and Garreth approached each other. I saw that they had lost their lust for a moment because of me and felt a little blush on my face.

The two boys looked at each other intensely, and kissed each other just as intensely. After a short time of kissing, they both looked ready for action again, which is why Sebastian fixed him on the cross again.

Sebastian took the tawse and drew back. I closed my eyes and winced at the impact, but when I opened my eyes I saw that Garreth was clearly aroused and moaning. Sebastian didn't hesitate and struck again and again. Garreth seemed to enjoy it and so he moaned louder and louder. I was slowly feeling more comfortable again.

I saw a drop of sperm run down from Garreth's tip. Sebastian went to him and stroked the red welts. He then took Garreth's wet cock in his hand and began to masturbate it briefly before withdrawing and hitting him again.

It was scary and fascinating at the same time, into which world Sebastian had introduced us. A world full of pleasure, power games and pain. Neither Garreth nor I had any interest in such practices prior to our experience with Sebastian, but we enjoyed it nonetheless.

"Can I participate?" I asked while watching the two of them. Even as I formulated the question, I began to feel embarrassed about it.

"Go ahead.", Sebastian said while Garreth took a breather. I got up and approached Garreth. I stroked his upper body and kissed him intensely before I knelt in front of him and began to spoil him with my mouth. Above me, I felt Sebastian's tawse as he continued to pound Garreth. Garreth flinched with each punch while gently moving his pelvis. I let him slide down my throat as deep as it would go. I grabbed his bottom to take him even deeper into me.

Again and again he moaned loudly and after a short time he came in my mouth.

"And now me.", Sebastian said and took off his shirt. He unbound Garreth's bonds and placed himself on the cross. Garreth tied it up and stood in front of him.

"How come you want to be hit?" Garreth asked confused and took the tawse in his hand. 

"Memory of the good old days or something like that, probably. But hit it hard. I have a high tolerance.", Sebastian answered.

Garreth looked at me, "Do you want to?" he asked me softly. I nodded and stood in front of Sebastian. Still, I found it difficult to overcome myself. I took a deep breath and punched. Sebastian started laughing, "Solomon regularly beat Anne and me bloody with that thing. Hit hard!"

I pulled out again but it wasn't enough for him. I struck out a few more times before letting Garreth take it. Garreth's punch was noticeably stronger. But Sebastian's face remained motionless.

Again and again, Garreth struck. He was panting pretty hard when I took the tawse from him again. I stood in front of him and hit with all my strength. But it didn't elicit more than a little twitch from Sebastian. "Take the bullwhip. That's the long, one-tailed one.", Sebastian said completely relaxed.

Garreth came back and punched at nothing. The whip cracked loudly. Sebastian smiled slightly as Garreth swung and hit. A pained groan came from Sebastian and I saw a drop of blood work its way down from his stomach.

"Continue. Until I say stop or I pass out," he said quietly. Garreth struck again and again and almost every blow left a small bleeding wound.

Garreth didn't look particularly aroused anymore as Sebastian's body was bleeding from several places.

"Tighter.", Sebastian said softly. Garreth raised his eyebrows, "Sure? You're already bleeding." "Yes, sure. Stop asking.", Sebastian said annoyed.

Garreth took a deep breath and slapped harder. The bleeding increased and Sebastian moaned loudly with every blow, while more and more blood ran down his body. Only when almost his entire upper body was covered with wounds did he raise his head again. "Enough now.", Garreth says quietly and undoes Sebastian's bonds.

"Sebastian, what's going on?" I asked worried when Garreth left the room. "I don't really know either. But it just felt right now. I think I deserved it after everything that happened.", he said softly and looked at me.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now