11th chapter

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For the last lesson we had Potions. Garreth's favorite class and also one of the few classes we took together, so we went to the dungeons together.

When we got there, we went to our usual seats, which had been next to each other since first grade. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ominis and Sebastian enter the room. Ominis seemed calm and relaxed as usual, but Sebastian's bad mood could be seen from afar. He clenched his jaw tightly, as if trying to prevent himself from speaking.

Professor Sharp began the lesson. "Today we will form four groups, each with four students." There was a lot of whispering, most of them were already talking to each other. "Ms. Dale, you don't need to coordinate. I'll classify you according to your ability." He slowly hobbled between seats. "Today, however, I will not divide you up evenly, but you will brew four different potions. The best students the hardest and the worst students the simplest. But don't get excited too soon. In the end you must have understood and internalized all the recipes , and each group will present and explain their potion in front of the rest of the class."

Annoyed sniffling spread. "Please accept your fate, or at least keep bitching in private, Ms. Dale. I'm going to announce the assignment now, then gather at a table." said Sharp in his normal, slightly annoyed way.

I waited for him to say my name. The first group was formed, the second group too, and I wasn't in the third group either.

"Gaunt, Lewis, Sallow and Weasley. Will you brew a Felix Felicis potion, please. You have until tomorrow when class ends."

I looked at the ceiling. I got the feeling that wasn't Sharp's best idea. I got up and followed Garreth. Ominis and Sebastian were already standing at the empty table. Ominis seemed just as desperate as me. He nodded in our direction. When we arrived at the table, Sebastian tried to take a step back as inconspicuously as possible.

Garreth immediately picked up the recipe and read it through. He lifted an eyebrow and told us what exactly we needed. Sebastian stood across from Garreth with his arms crossed and didn't move a millimeter while Ominis and I already brought the first instruments and ingredients to the table.

"Sebastian, come on, help us." Ominis said in a slightly pleading tone. "Not until I have seen the recipe." replied Sebastian. Ominis breathed in deeply. "Weasley, give him the recipe, please." requested Ominis. He turned around cursing softly and all I could hear was hissing sounds.

Garreth was totally relaxed and handed Sebastian the parchment with a rather cheeky smile. Sebastian's rage increased noticeably. Ominis obviously noticed this as well, because he pulled Sebastian aside on pretense and out of the corner of my eye I could see him talking to him.Ominis and I took care of the distribution of tasks and chose the tasks in such a way that there was as little potential for escalation as possible.

Finally, Professor Sharp announced the end of the lesson, but unfortunately the tension of the last few hours didn't let go of me.

On the way to the common room, Garreth grabbed my hand and suddenly pulled me aside and walked a different path. We went up some smaller spiral stairs and found ourselves in the bell tower. We sat down on the floor. We started kissing and Garreth knelt down next to me, gently pushing me to the floor. He slid over to me, picked up my legs and began to gently caress my clit with his soft tongue.

After a few minutes he straightened up, undid his pants and started fucking me. I felt the tension slowly draining away and a sense of contentment overcoming me. We continued in perfect rhythm, Garreth had gotten up on his knees to thrust deeper into me, and again I saw that wildness in his eyes. He thrust harder and faster while biting his fist to only emit a low growl instead of a loud groan. I bit my lip and tried to be as quiet as possible.

When I realized my climax was approaching, I straightened up a bit. I enjoyed it, but since Garreth wasn't done, I decided to use my mouth to pleasure him afterwards. So I pushed him back so he was sitting and knelt in front of him while trying to pick him up as much as possible. Garreth grabbed my hair and indicated the speed and depth. I found this feeling wonderful. That feeling that he was taking what he wanted. After several minutes he came in my mouth.

Just when I had swallowed everything and was about to sit up, we heard a creaking noise on the stairs next to us. We quickly packed up everything we didn't want to be seen and headed to our common room.

The next day I got up with a queasy feeling. First lesson was Potions again. Garreth was standing in the common room in a good mood, as he did every Friday morning, when I came down the stairs. We went into the great hall for breakfast where we caught up with Nellie and Natty on current events and then headed towards the dungeon.

We sat down at the table and looked into our cauldron. Garreth and I were already preparing the next steps when Ominis and Sebastian entered the room. Ominis greeted us kindly. I looked towards them both. Sebastian stared at the cauldron and seemed to try to block us out. I was relieved that he wasn't as angry as yesterday. He wasn't exactly in a good mood either, but he didn't seem like he was going to jump on anyone any more. We brewed the potion to Sharp's satisfaction, as might be expected. He finished the class.

I was just leaving the room when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Caelie, please wait a minute.". I stopped. "Sebastian? You're talking to me again?" I asked skeptical. He blushed a little. "Caelie, I'm sorry. I... My behavior is awful right now. I'm so sorry. But remember I said maybe you could help my sister Anne? I was going to visit her this weekend. Would you accompany me? Even if I'm a complete idiot, Anne can't help my behavior. I beg you."

Garreth, standing next to me, raised an eyebrow skeptically and asked, "How is Caelie going to help Anne?". "Oh, you haven't told him?" asked Sebastian in disbelief. "Yes, to be honest, I had forgotten. A lot has happened since my release, so it probably went under." I could feel myself blushing. But not only did I blush, so did Sebastian, whose jaw visibly clenched while Garreth smirked. I took a breath and briefly explained to Garreth what happened in the hospital wing.

"But what is Caelie now, are you with me?" asked Sebastian. Garreth shrugged when I looked at him. "Yeah that's ok, I'm in. When does it start?" I replied to Sebastian. He looked really pleased.

"Thank you! I really hope it works out and Anne gets well. Thank you Caelie." he stormed off. Just as he was about to walk through the door, he stopped and turned back. "I would like to leave around 5 p.m., does that suit you?" I nodded. "Then I'll pick you up outside the Gryffindor common room! See you later!"

"Wow, that was odd." Garreth said in amazement, "Since when is Sallow such a happy person?" . I started to laugh. "Sebastian is actually a really nice guy. I'd like to know what was wrong with him yesterday. But when we were lying together in the hospital wing, we talked a lot and he was totally okay."

Garreth and I walked a little more together before we parted ways. On the way to Charms I met Nellie. We took our seats near the door when Nerida and Samantha entered the room. They quietly shared the events of the previous night. If I got it right, Nerida spent the night with Sebastian. I felt uncomfortable at the thought of Sebastian being so close to Nerida. I found myself trying to figure out if Nerida was good enough for him.

I tried to distract myself with a conversation with Nellie. I felt ashamed for thinking about Sebastian so intensely, even though I had genuine feelings for Garreth. I was confused by all this.

Just what was wrong with me? I didn't have butterflies dancing in my stomach the way I did at the thought of Garreth. 

But something was there and I was afraid to find out what.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now