95th chapter

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After we were done, I jumped in the shower to wash up. Garreth and Sebastian joined me.

"Why in Merlin's name did you pee on me?" I asked with a laugh. It didn't really bother me, but he'd never done that in all those years.

Garreth laughed out loud, "I've been pursuing my most intimate thoughts." "What the hell are you thinking about, Garreth?" Sebastian asked, also laughing, "But I'd be lying if I said I never thought about it. It's so wonderfully dominant." "Yes, that's why I thought it was so appropriate." "I didn't complain either." I said quietly and got two surprised looks.

I was just happy that both of them could express themselves openly. Sebastian had only been with us for a few hours, but it already felt like it used to be. I was curious how our everyday life would be like with the six of us, but actually I was relaxed about it. Even positive. As long as Sebastian wasn't working, I wasn't alone at home with the kids anymore, so we could share some of the work in the future.

And maybe, Sebastian would also have the opportunity to see a little baby grow up. Right from the start. Now the world was really open to the three of us. Sebastian no longer had to worry about being locked up again, and given that the Gaunts had left us alone for the last eight years, we could bet it would stay that way.

After our shower we changed into fresh underwear and went to bed. Sebastian lay down in the middle and we snuggled up to him. Everything was really the same as it used to be, except that he had grown a bit. While he was still shorter than Garreth, his physique seemed to have broadened a bit, although he was quite thin.

I fell asleep and dreamed that there were six of us in front of a fireplace in a house in the middle of the forest and the wonderful smell of a rainy forest was coming in through the windows.

I woke up early in the morning and got out of bed. The two men continued to sleep peacefully, snuggled in bed, forehead to forehead. I stood in front of it and looked at them. I felt my eyes fill with tears. It was so perfect.

I walked into the living room and saw Athena sitting on our table in front of the house. She was carrying a parchment.

"I have decided to travel to France with your children at the end of the summer so that they can spend some more time with Grandma. I am assuming you don't mind. I think you have a lot of catching up to do.

Sebastian looked so insecure as he stood in front of our door and I hope he understood now that you never stopped loving him. I was really sorry for him, so I sent him straight to you guys without telling him anything.

Don't worry, of course you'll see the children before our trip. I can't stand the three of them for this long. Eddie's been whining all morning about not being allowed to use Dad's wand.

He's like Garreth and that's really exhausting."

Unfortunately, Viviane wasn't getting any younger and we also wanted them to be able to use the remaining time together as much as possible, so I thought Jennie's suggestion was wonderful.

I went back to bed and snuggled up to the two of them again. As I got into bed, Sebastian winced and blinked at me in confusion. He smiled broadly and turned to me. He looked at me, stroked my cheek, and a moment later started snoring loudly again.

I focused on his rhythmic snoring and fell asleep again.

I woke up apparently a few hours later to hearing a soft knock on the door. In my nightgown, I slipped out of the bed in which the two gentlemen continued to sleep peacefully, closed the door and went to the front door.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now