28th chapter

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"Did you know that I think your obsession with books is very cute?" I asked Sebastian while we were still looking at the triptych and I felt my cheeks getting warm and red.

He smiled at me. "I'm the child of two professors. We were taught from an early age that we should read every book we can get our hands on. And I try to do that too. Of course, I don't necessarily need fairy tale stories, but every book is valuable knowledge contains should be read. My parents died in the process, which is why Anne doesn't like to read that much anymore, but I'm trying to follow my parents' example," he said, looking down. "How exactly, did your parents actually die?" I asked. I knew he was an orphan, but I didn't know what happened.

"A broken lamp. They were in the basement of our old house in Marunweem, studying books. The lamp was leaking gas. Anne and I were in the yard playing for a little while when we suddenly heard a loud bang. There laid my parents already dead on the floor. Anne and I ran out of the house and called for help. We went to our neighbor. Her husband took our parents out of the house. But there was nothing more that could be done for them. Uncle Solomon then sold our house and took us to Feldcroft. He hates me for being like my father."

"I think it's nice that you honor the memory of your parents. They both must have loved you very much." I said and squeezed his hand a little tighter. "Do you remember your parents?" Sebastian asked. 

"No, I just remember my godmother. Marlee Fox. She was a wonderful person. Her husband died before I was brought to her house and they had no children so we were alone. She often invited Garreth over so that he I was able to spend time with me or she brought me to the Weasleys. She did everything to make me happy, but unfortunately we never had much money and she died before I could find a small holiday job and help her financially." I said, feeling tears welling in my eyes. "How did she die?" Sebastian asked quietly. "She was murdered." 

I felt tears running down my cheeks. Sebastian took me in his arms. "No one could tell me why or from whom. Why her? I didn't have anyone anymore. My parents didn't want me and then Marlee was gone too." I burst into tears while Sebastian hugged me tightly.

"Yes Caelie, you had someone. The Weasleys. And now you have me too, Anne, Ominis, Natsai and Nellie. You are not alone and you never have to be alone again." He whispered, "I will always be with you , as long as you want me close to you."He gently stroked my head to soothe me. "I love you, Caelie. And I will never be separated from you by choice."

We stood there for a while and hugged each other. Sebastian did his best to reassure me. He took my face in his hands after a while and pulled it towards him. The tips of our noses almost touched and he looked piercingly at me with his beautiful warm brown eyes. 

"Shall we go to Hogsmeade? There's supposed to be a decorated tree there already. We can have a drink there and we can talk about other topics, unless you want to tell me more about yourself. And if you want, we can invite Garreth over too." he said in a kind, encouraging voice. I nodded, wiping the last tears from the corners of my eyes.

"Would you like to go straight away, or do we want to bring all the books away first?" Sebastian asked. "First we bring the books away, then I can give Garreth his bag back and prove to him that we survived," I said, smiling. Sebastian grabbed my hand and we headed toward the Slytherin common room. 

"Want to come in?" he asked me as we got to the door. "Are we even allowed to go into someone else's common room?" I asked uncertainly. He shrugged and pulled me towards the door, "If anyone complains, I'll say I forced you".

We went through the massive door. The room looked very fascinating. The warmth that the Gryffindor common room exudes was almost non-existent here. Instead there were huge glass walls that opened up a view of the lake. The entire room was quite dark and bathed in a soft blue-green light due to the huge windows facing the lake. My mouth dropped slightly.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें