15th chapter

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"He told you about it? When?" I asked, horrified. "Yesterday. Just out of the hospital wing. Do you think I'll just freak out just because you're a couple? Of course it bothers me if someone else touches you but I knew it would eventually happen , when I don't go on the offensive, and try to get closer to you. But Weasley just overdid it. He came up to me and grinned at me with his stupid face and told me how you feel and how good it was, finally fucking you. And that's when I freaked out," he said dejectedly.

"You think he just wanted to sleep with me to give you one thing?" I asked uncertainly, but he shook his head.

"No, I think he does love you. After all, he did some things to make sure you fell in love with him. But I find his methods extremely questionable. You should have at least had a choice. But he seemed too insecure to rely on you to choose him when you had more choices. If you don't believe me, ask Amit or Leander. He threatened them too when he found out they were interested in you."

I was confused, "But he and Leander are good friends, aren't they?". Sebastian nodded, "Yes, that's right. But only because Leander swore to him that he wouldn't touch you. Whether that was a purely friendly gesture or out of fear of Weasley's abilities, I don't know."

I was thinking. I was unsettled by Sebastian's words and I didn't know if I should confront Garreth about it.

Sebastian snapped me out of my thoughts as he sat down. He turned to me and started buttoning my blouse. So far I've only held them closed.

"Is every time with you so... painful?" I hesitantly asked. "It's not like I didn't like it, but it really hurt." He stroked the welts on my stomach and chest, some of which bled a bit, with his index finger. "Sorry, I was really in a bit of a trance too. It's not that great otherwise, but when I thought about Weasley getting to see all of this in front of me, I guess I went a bit too far. Sorry."

In this moment I realized what I had done. I cheated on Garreth. My Garreth. The boy who has always been there for me. The boy whose parents, thanks to him, gave me shelter. The boy I loved. I've given up on all of that. For Sebastian, even though I didn't even know how I felt about him. Garreth is not going to accept what happened today. I threw our relationship away like it was worthless. I felt miserable. Even if I tried to keep secret what happened, the wounds gave me away. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I started crying.

Sebastian didn't look at me, he continued to look up towards the sky as he said: "You can also say that I forced you. It's okay. You don't have to despair. I want you to be happy. And if that means you'll stay with Weasley, i'll accept it. But at least let me be close to you today and tomorrow. It's already too late now anyway."

I nodded. He sat up and turned to me, wiping the tears from my eyes. "But we should go back inside. At best, Solomon is gone now and we can check if your ability works on Anne."

We got up, cleaned each other of dirt and leaves as best we could, and went back into the house. "Ah, did you stretch your legs well?" asked Anne sleepily. "Of course.", Sebastian said, while he scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"Anne, Caelie and I have an idea how we might be able to help you. Caelie seems to have an ability. We don't know how it works, but she saved my life with it once." , he said.

Anne was still lying in her bed and kept falling asleep. Sebastian turned off the lights so I could see if that light appeared again anywhere. I knelt down beside her bed and looked over her emaciated body. And indeed, a tiny little light. Hardly noticeable. I reached for it, but this time I couldn't grab it. I kept trying to grab it, but my fingers couldn't find anything to pull on. I reached for it again and again, but like smoke the light parted.

"Sebastian, do you see it? Can you grab it?" I asked him. He knelt down next to me and inspected the spot I showed him. He shook his head. "I don't see anything," he replied. I grabbed his hand and led him to the spot where the light was. I put my fingertips on his and tried to grab the light with his hand, but that didn't work either.

We looked at each other helplessly. "I'm so sorry. I really thought that I could help her.". He caressed my cheek. "Don't blame yourself. Besides, it was progress. You saw something." He stood up. "Maybe you need to understand your ability first and learn how to use it. But where do you start? We don't even know what you're looking at."

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now