67th chapter

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"Hello Caelie. It's nice to finally meet you.", Elísabet said and blushed. I looked at her. She looked the same as I used to.

Garreth knelt down next to her and looked at her, "Tell her what you just said to me in the house.", he said gently and smiled at her.

"Caelie, you are beautiful. I hope that one day I will be as beautiful as you are.", she said and looked at me. I looked straight into her sparkling purple eyes. I felt myself blushing a bit. Garreth gave me a smile.

"And I like your husband. He's funny, even if he talks a little much," she said, grinning at Garreth, who was puffing out his cheeks angrily in jest. "That's right, you really talk a lot, Garreth," said Sebastian, laughing.

Elísabet went to Sebastian and held out her hand to greet him. "I'm Elísabet. What's your name?" "Hello Elísabet, I'm Sebastian Sallow.", he answered and shook her hand. "Are you friends of Caelie's?" she asked. I sensed that it was about to get awkward again.

"He's Caelies and my fiancé," Garreth said, standing up and kissing the top of Sebastian's head, which turned bright red. "So the three of you love each other?" Elísabet asked innocently. "Yeah, we all love each other very much," Garreth said, ruffling Sebastian and my hair.

"So Caelie has two handsome husbands? That's cool, then I want two later, too!" Elísabet said with a smile.

Everyone present blushed as Elísabet ran across the field to get her ball. "Will you play football with me?" she asked smiling. Garreth took the ball away from her and sprinted across the field and kicked the ball to her.

"He's a kid friend, huh?" Edvin asked. "Yes, he's my cousin Yvain's eldest son. He really loves his little siblings." Adaliz said, smiling in Garreth's direction.

"How are Louis and Gawain?" Fayette asked. "Gawain is Gawain. He works a lot and is still the best. And Louis works as a healer in Paris. Half a year ago he made me a grandma," Adaliz said proudly.

"Congratulations!" Edvin and Fayette said in unison.

Sebastian and I decided to play with Garreth and Elísabet. We raged and ran until we all dropped onto the meadow, exhausted.

"Would you like to eat something?" Edvin asked, running over to us. "Oh yeah please im starving!" Garreth said. We got up and followed Edvin inside. It was a lovely little house. Entirely covered with wood on the inside. Pictures hung all over the wall. Pictures of Edvin's parents, of Elísabet and indeed a lot of me too.

"You secretly photographed me?" I asked, irritated when I saw a picture of Garreth and I sitting together on the roof in front of his room and me leaning against him. The picture was two or three years old. Then I saw an old picture of Garreth and me laughing, leaning against Marlee's house with an ice cream cone in our hands. I saw a lot of pictures of me that were obviously taken in secret.

"Yes, we wanted to see you grow up," said Edvin, smiling softly at me, "We never stopped loving ye, Caelie. We just didn't want to drag ye into our mess and endanger ye. Ye and Ellie are the best that your mother and I have been given. And please believe me, we also wish things could have been easier and we could have just been a normal, happy family. Yer mother, especially, never wished for anything else."

I could feel tears running down my cheeks and I saw Sebastian and Garreth walking towards me as Edvin pulled me aside and wrapped his arms around me. He also cried. Elísabet came to us from the side and hugged us as well.

It was a lovely moment. My anger had evaporated. At last I had parents. And they didn't hate me. That's what I always wanted.

Sebastian and Garreth walked outside. I think they didn't want to disturb us at that moment.As we broke our hug, he wiped the tears from my eyes before drying his own. He and Elisabet showed me around the house. She was very proud of her room. She showed me the pictures she had painted. In all the pictures that showed her with her family, another person with long dark red hair could be seen.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now