63rd chapter

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We walked to the edge of town and got on our broomsticks and kept flying north. It was a really hot day with the sun shining incessantly.

"Fascinating ability," Adaliz said. "It is. I haven't seen Elva this happy since we were little. And since Garreth did it to me, I feel freer than I've felt in years. It's harder for me to hide my feelings, but that's not necessarily a negative thing," said Sebastian.

We flew further and further north along the Scottish coast until we left the mainland behind. In Kirkwall we took a little break to buy something to eat. We even happened to find a Floo powder fireplace.

After a break full of fish, chips and a delicious cup of tea, we continued on our flight. We talked about all kinds of things while we were flying. They were pleasant conversations.

The sun was already low when we reached the Shetland Islands. In a small town, we decided to buy the ingredients for our evening meal. We were standing at a small market where Sebastian was buying for us from a friendly market vendor. We didn't quite understand what he was saying. He was conversing in Scots and we could only guess what they were discussing. All of a sudden, he whispered something in Sebastian's ear. Sebastian smiled, paid, and came back to us.

"The kind gentleman is a wizard. I know where there is a floo powder fireplace around here." he announced cheerfully. "Are we going home for the night, or are we staying here?" Garreth asked, but then added himself, "I think we should stay here. Take a little vacation in this heat.".

We flew around the islands and chose an uninhabited island for our night's camp. Adaliz pulled a tent from her bag and set it up with a flick of his wand. It was very small and we looked at each other in confusion.

"Weel, if we transform ourselves, we might fit in thare. Itherweys it'll be rather difficult.", said Sebastian, who suddenly had a very Scottish undertone. "Sorry, as soon as I hear people talking Scots, I do too. Sorry." He laughed.

"Transform?" Adaliz asked. Sebastian didn't say anything, just transformed into his lynx form. "You're animagi?!" she exclaimed in surprise. We nodded proudly. A second later, Adaliz was replaced by a red fox. A moment later, she stood before us as a human again. "It was taught to us in school. Not anymore, but Fayette and I spent a lot of time in our animal forms. She's in the form of a white rabbit. I used to chase her for fun while she hopped away from me."

Suddenly, scales fell from my eyes. I looked at Sebastian. "The rabbit and the wild dog! In the woods when Garreth was in the hospital and on New Year's Eve! Adaliz, does my mother keep her purple eyes as a rabbit?" I asked excitedly, even though I already knew the answer. She nodded.

I felt tears streaming down my face, "Adaliz, you were right! I saw them twice in the woods by Marlee's house! Apparently they were really looking for me!", I said, when Sebastian and Garreth came over to hug me. I felt amazing. I was so happy. I knew that we were on the right path.

I turned into my squirrel form and jumped into the water. Garreth transformed and rushed after me. Adaliz and Sebastian also came into the water as animals.

We splashed around in the water for a while before heading outside again. It was a perfect way to cool off on this hot summer day.

Once outside, Sebastian and I went gathering wood to build a small fire while Adaliz and Garreth prepared the food. Everything was so wonderful.

We ate together, played some music by the fire before we went into the tent. The tent was really tiny from the outside, however it was enchanted similarly to Garreth's bag and could accommodate 20 people. When we said goodbye, Adaliz went alone to a room near the exit while the three of us snuggled together in the largest bed.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant