39th chapter

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"How was your Christmas?" Garreth asked. All three waved him off. "Like every year. Solomon was drunk and the three of us don't give each other anything. We all don't really have a lot of money, so we don't want to stress about it. We just enjoy the time together," said Ominis, "Or try it when Sebastian isn't whining because you're not there, Caelie. By Merlin's beard, stay with him forever, it's unbearable.", Ominis said and rolled his blue glowing eyes. "You're just jealous.", Sebastian said and nudged him from the side. "Yes, you're probably right, but it's still annoying.", Ominis replied.

"Okay guys, we still have a lot to do today, we should start cooking and baking slowly, otherwise we won't be able to finish in time.", Garreth said and got up. "What do you mean?" Ominis asked confused. "You, Sebastian, gave me the task of taking care of the drinks, but I thought, what's the best drink in the world if you only eat millet porridge. So I prepared myself."

"How did you prepare?" I asked him in surprise. "I was talking to Grandma about the portable flames from the basement and I asked her if I could take a few things from her pantry and she said I could take as many as I wanted. So I took my bag and plundered the cupboards. I told the chef there what I took with me so that he can buy it again. He was annoyed because it's really much, but well, it's his job.", laughed Garreth and put his bag on the table.

By the time he had unpacked everything, the table was full. "Oh Merlin, Garreth you really shouldn't have done that." Sebastian spoke with his mouth hanging open. "Yes, besides, cooking is a wonderful activity. Especially in a group. I already know who's going to chop all the onions." Garreth said, grinning at Sebastian.

"Well then, help me tidy up and then we'll get started. Otherwise the cake won't be ready.", he said and shooed Sebastian, Ominis and me up. "You want to bake a cake?" Anne asked brightly. "Of course, if it's your seventeenth birthday tomorrow, then you need a decent cake. You only come of age once in your life.", Garreth said and looked around the cupboards in the kitchen.

I saw Anne start to cry. "Hey Anne, what's going on?" Ominis asked. "Nobody has baked us a cake since our parents died," she said through sobs. Sebastian went to her and hugged her to calm her down a bit. "And that you of all people want to do something like that for us. After all, Sebastian must have hurt you so badly.", she continued to sob. Sebastian blushed a little.

"I wasn't always particularly fair to him either. But through our relationship with Caelie, he's practically part of my family, and you as his twin sister, logically, too. And Ominis too, because he's otherwise all alone," said Garreth and smiled. He really did have a heart of pure gold.

Anne smiled again. "Thank you Garreth," Sebastian whispered softly. Gareth nodded. You could really see how much he was looking forward to being able to let off steam in the kitchen. "And you can be happy, I make the best cakes far and wide! You can ask Caelie about that."

Garreth rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a knife. "I don't mean to be rude, but your knives all need a sharpening. But a good potions master always carries his own knife in case he finds good ingredients along the way. That's what my grandpa always said."

Garreth lit the stove and began to mix a batter. "Have you got a gramophone?" he asked curiously. "What's that?" Anne asked. Garreth went to his suitcase and took out his small gramophone and put it on the table. "I'm sorry, but I need some music when I'm cooking or baking. It helps me concentrate," he said, a little sheepishly.

Anne looked at the gramophone in amazement, "Wow, that's fascinating. Mum and Dad had an enchanted violin at home, but I've never seen anything like it."

Suddenly Anne cried out loud and collapsed. She almost fell off the chair when Ominis grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, his face looking just as pained as hers. We all turned pale.

Garreth rushed to his bag and took out a small potion. "Maybe that will ease the pain a bit." He said handing her the bottle. "No experiments, Garreth!" Sebastian yelled in panic. "No, it's a painkiller I gave Dad after he lost his legs. It's been tested extensively."

When Anne's pain subsided for a moment, she drank the entire bottle. Then she began to scream again. Ominis picked her up and laid her on her bed. He sat down next to her and stayed with her until the seizure subsided. Then she fell asleep again and sat down in his chair again.

"And it's been like this for years. And there's nothing I can do for her.", Sebastian said quietly. "Go for a walk with Caelie, maybe you'll feel a little better that way." Garreth said. "I don't know how you feel exactly. But it's best to just try it. You can't do more than still feel like shit afterwards. Ominis and I take care of Anne."

Sebastian nodded, took his jacket, gave me my coat and took me outside by the hand. We walked hand in hand through the village in peaceful silence. After a couple of minutes we went back to the house.

"Back again? Did it do anything?" Garreth asked, just putting dough into the oven. Sebastian nodded: "Yes, but it's just too cold to stay outside."

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now