5th chapter

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It was already early morning when we flew back to the castle. We'd been talking all night. It was so absurd that we kept our feelings secret from each other, even though it was always obvious.
On the way to the common room, he seems so happy and content. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I already suspected what gossip we would now have to expose ourselves to, but I didn't care. All I wanted was Garreth. And now I got him. Officially.

When we arrived the Gryffindor common room was empty so we made our way onto the sofa in front of the fireplace where I laid my head on his legs and as he stroked my face we both fell asleep.

When I woke up he was still asleep. By now we were no longer alone. And as I sat up, the whispering began. Since it was Saturday morning, luckily many of the students were with their parents or on the road, so it wasn't too crowded, but the looks from our classmates were clear. Some smiled, some looked away in embarrassment. When I looked down at myself, I knew why. My blouse was buttoned wrong. As I touched my head, I realized I still had oak leaves hanging in my hair. My gaze wandered to Garreth. His hair was also all disheveled, his belt wasn't fastened properly, and his shirt wasn't tucked in his pants.

I blushed at the thought of last night and turned to face the fireplace to avoid any more sneers when suddenly Natty was standing behind me. "Glad you finally realized what everyone else here knew before you did... But I think you should take a shower." She spoke softly in my ear so as not to embarrass me further.

Despite speaking so softly, she woke Garreth. He winced when he realized where he was. He looked at me and burst out laughing as he saw how he had messed me up. With that, he really got the attention of every Gryffindor present.

He laughed heartily until he calmed down. He looked at me, pulled my head towards him and kissed me.

It was Saturday morning, we had nothing to do and the world was open to us. We each went to our bathrooms, showered, changed our clothes and met again in the common room. He was already sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace, waiting, reading a book. It looked used and was bound in a dark brown velvet. I snuck up behind him, hugged him and kissed his cheek. He closed the book, turned to me and returned my kiss.

The situation was so strange and familiar at the same time. It was weird being able to touch him like that, but it also felt like I'd never done anything else. I enjoyed feeling his warmth.While we were kissing, he turned and knelt on the sofa to get a better grip on my face when we suddenly heard a soft throat clearing.

We flinched as we were snapped out of our dream world and broke away instantly."Good morning you two," Prof. Weasley said. She looked worried despite smiling at us. "Garreth, I need to speak to you, please come with me for a moment."He jumped up and left the room with his aunt.

I sat down and grabbed the book Garreth was reading while he was waiting for me. It was about potion recipes. I flipped through and saw that only part of the book was written on. On the back pages he had already written down his own recipes. I didn't know much about potions, but since I was also taking this subject, I knew that the recipes he described were anything but simple. Apparently there really was a genius in him.

After a few minutes he came back. I started smiling and turned to him. The smile faded from my face as I looked at him. He looked concerned."I have to go home" he said. "Dad got hurt". I looked at him. "And what are you going to do now? Are you leaving immediately? What about your siblings?" I asked him. I didn't know how to help him.

"Yes, we have to pack our things and fly." he answered. "Aunt Matilda excused us both from Black. Since my parents are also your guardians, you should accompany me. My siblings stay at Hogwarts. Hector and Jennie are best off here."Ever since my godmother passed away and I had no information on living relatives, the Weasleys have registered as my guardians.

We packed up the most important things and left the common room. I took his hand to show him that everything will be fine. We grabbed our brooms and headed to the Headmaster's office.The Weasleys come from Devonshire in southern England. With the broom alone we would certainly fly 14 hours. From the Headmaster's office, however, we were able to travel by Floo powder and arrived at the nearest major wizarding town in Devon, from where we only had a 20 minute flight to go.

The closer we got to Garreth's home, the paler he became. He didn't speak the whole way. We landed directly in front of the front door, which was already open. Before we entered, he grabbed my hand. He was shaking.

As we entered the hallway, we heard sobs coming from the living room. Noticing us, Mrs. Weasley jumped up and hugged Garreth. When she broke away from him after a few minutes, she hugged me too and asked us to follow her. "But please. Don't be shocked," she said quietly.We put our things down, went up the stairs and Mrs. Weasley opened the bedroom door. "Yvain, Gary is home.". Soft light fell into the darkened room. Mr. Weasley was sitting on a couch with a blanket. "Dad? What happened?" Garreth asked confused. His father didn't look hurt at first glance.

Mr. Weasley lifted his head and looked at Garreth while Mrs. Weasley pulled the blanket from his lap. Only then did it become apparent what had happened. His legs ended where his knees should have been, covered in blood-soaked bandages. "He was attacked on his way home by a fugitive that he helped convict. He managed to escape before being transported to Azkaban. I was able to stop the bleeding for now, but I couldn't save his legs. I going to fly to the hospital now and get muggle medicine. Gary, please stay here and take care of your father if he needs anything."Mr. Weasley worked in the Ministry of Magic in the Crimes Against Muggles department. Mrs. Weasley was a healer and had a squib friend who worked as a doctor at the nearest hospital.

Garreth was deathly pale and stood motionless, mouth open, staring at his father. His mother hurried past him.

I stood in front of him and put my hands on his cheeks to break his shock. I looked deep into his eyes. He seemed more like he could see right through me, so I increased the pressure on my hands. "Garreth, everything will be fine."

He nodded, turned a basket into a chair, and sat down next to his father, staring at him steadily.Mrs. Weasley returned after a few hours. The moment she entered the room, Garreth jumped up and rushed outside. "Give him some alone time, love." said Mrs. Weasley as she prepared the medicine for her husband.

After preparing dinner, I decided to look for him. I knew the area quite well, so I knew where he usually stayed when he wanted to think, but I couldn't find him.

I decided to return to the Weasley house in case he had already gone home. But he wasn't there either. I was starting to worry. What if something happened to him? I flew over his usual hiding spots once more. There was no sign of him anywhere. I returned to the Weasleys' house again. He wasn't here either. It was now just before midnight. It was long too dark to be able to look for him properly. "He'll be back, love. Don't worry." , said his mother, while she put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me. But what if he doesn't come back? What if something really happened to him? I sat down in a chair near the window and looked out.

Like yesterday, tonight was another starry night.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now