8th chapter

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"Paris?" I asked confused. "How did you come up with this idea now?" "I thought it would be nice to take a little time out before classes start up again"

Yes, he was right. In addition to probably the most beautiful experiences in my life so far, the last few days have been very stressful. Garreth, in particular, deserved a break. I placed my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. I nodded in agreement so he grabbed my hand and dragged me into his bedroom after him.

"And what do you mean by change of clothes? I didn't bring any suitable clothes with me. After all, they said 'Garreth's father was attacked' and not 'walked through central Paris'." I said. He smiled and rolled his eyes, took one of my skirts and a blouse from my suitcase, laid them out in front of him, took his wand and cast a transfiguration spell. I saw how my skirt changed. It grew much longer, gained some ruffles and turned a dark red. A second spell also turned my white blouse into a black blouse with dark red embroidery.

"Et voilà," Garreth stepped back from his work and looked at it with pride. I loved it and looked at it up close. It really looked fantastic. I got changed and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked so elegant. Garreth looked over my shoulder, gave me a kiss on the cheek and put on a small hat which was decorated with flowers to complete my outfit. I've never felt so beautiful before.

Now Garreth went to his closet, took some clothes and transformed them as well, while I went to his bathroom to do my hair a bit and put on some makeup.

By the time I finished and went back to his bedroom, he was already changed. He was wearing dark brown pants, a white shirt, a yellow vest, a dark brown bow tie that perfectly matched the pants, and an orange-brown coat. All of this harmonized perfectly with his reddish-blonde hair and his green eyes. He looked perfect.

He grabbed a brown leather bag, performed an expanding spell, threw all of our stuff in and slung it over his shoulders. He tucked his wand inside his coat, handed me a matching purse and my wand, and led me outside to our brooms. We had another twenty minute flight ahead of us before we reached the Floo Powder Chimney.

Once there, he put our brooms in his pocket. We stood together, hand in hand, in the fireplace. Garreth threw the floo powder on the floor, I closed my eyes and when I opened them again we were in another room.

I heard voices, but I couldn't understand them. Apparently we were actually in Paris. Due to the difficult situation with my parents and my godmother, I never went abroad for vacation. And while I was able to spend the summer holidays with the Weasleys, I stayed at Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays so as not to be a burden to them any further. They usually went to visit their families, which probably spread all over Europe. They have offered it to me several times and I would really have liked to have gone with them, but I was so infinitely grateful to them for taking me in. I wanted to cause them as little expense and effort as possible.

Garreth looked around and, holding my hand, purposefully left the small room. "Don't forget, outside we're among Muggles." he murmured to remind me not to cast magic.I nodded, he gave me a small kiss on the forehead, and led me down a long but cozy looking corridor. This went into a large, dark room. Apparently this was some kind of pub.

We exited the restaurant and found ourselves straight on a busy, narrow street. He pulled me to the many people in a small side street. We walked for a few minutes until Garreth stopped abruptly. 

"Louis? Est-ce vraiment toi, Louis?" I heard him say I didn't know he could speak French, so I gave him an irritated look as he hugged another red-haired man. This man looked a lot like Garreth, but was probably ten years older than him and he had a twirled mustache. "Garreth, que fais-tu ici? Nous ne nous sommes pas vus depuis des lustres. Vous avez beaucoup grandi!"

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now