30th chapter

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The coming weeks leading up to the winter holidays were pretty boring.

Cressida was taken to St. Mungo's Hospital where she was to remain until further notice due to her mental illness. Now Natty, Nellie and I were alone in our room and had a great time chatting most evenings.

Ominis and Sebastian also got along better with each other again, which was probably due to the fact that Sebastian didn't tell him that he was continuing to research the relic.

Garreth and I spent many wonderful evenings in the Room of Requirement, baking cookies, cooking, practicing French and just enjoying alone time, among other activities. Sebastian was completely engrossed in his research again, which is why we didn't see each other that often, but we still spent some time together in the undercroft or in the Room of Requirement, which Garreth had shown him, unexpectedly.

With Sebastian the room looked completely different. It reminded him more of a cozy, old wooden hut in which there were many suspicious objects.

Jennie was super excited to finally see her family for Christmas and we've been crafting some family gifts together over the past few weeks and I've been to Hogsmeade for her as she's not yet allowed to leave the castle grounds to find more supplies and to buy presents.

I wasn't very good at buying presents, but I tried my best to organize some nice presents with the little money I had.

Now it was the last day before the holidays. Classes were over and the crowds of students left the castle. Natty and Nellie had already said goodbye. Natty traveled with her mother to visit her family in Uganda and Nellie used the Hogwarts Express where she was picked up by her parents.Garreth and I were still in the Gryffindor common room packing up our last things before we went to Hogsmeade with Jennie, Hector and Kay to the floo powder fireplace. 

"Hey Kay, isn't your brother coming with you?" Garreth asked in surprise. Kay shook his head, "No, he's going to his girlfriend's." He rolled his eyes. Ereck was a bit different than the other Weasleys. He was quite arrogant, very distant from the rest of the Weasleys and he believed, unlike all other Weasleys, in the need to preserve the purity of blood.

We made a small detour to the Slytherin common room beforehand to say goodbye to Sebastian and Ominis for now.

We sat on our suitcases and waited. But neither of them came. "Do you think they're gone already?" I asked Garreth. "I can't imagine it, but-" Hector interrupted him. "Garreth, we have to get going. Mum and Dad will be waiting."

I nodded. We stood up and headed towards the great hall. "There you are! I've been looking for you!" I heard a voice behind me call out. Sebastian put down his suitcase, ran towards me and hugged me. "I thought you'd already left," he said, dejected.

"We were on our way. We were waiting for you in front of your common room," Jennie said, putting her arms on her hips. "Oh, I'm very sorry about that. And we were waiting for you in front of your common room. Apparently we missed each other there.", Sebastian said and tousled Jennie's hair while she grinned cheekily at him. Sebastian and Ominis integrated well in our group. Sebastian regularly practiced dueling with the three smaller Weasleys, and Ominis enjoyed telling them stories about Hogwarts.

Sebastian hurried back, grabbed his suitcase before he and Ominis joined us again. "We'll accompany you to Hogsmeade and then take the floo powder chimney to Feldcroft. It may take a little longer, but I can't fly. Besides, Sebastian insists on taking you away.", Ominis said smiling.

"Why can't you fly?", Kay asked curious. "Because I'm blind?" Ominis answered, a little confused. "Yes, but you can see with your wand, right? Can't you do that while flying too?" Hector asked. Ominis blushed a bit, "Yes, but the idea of flying and not knowing exactly what is below me or how high I am scares me a bit too.". "And besides, a Floo powder trip is much more comfortable with the suitcases," interjected Sebastian.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now