60th chapter

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Sebastian wrote a really long letter to Anne. He apologized for putting her in this situation and that he now knows he did wrong. He realized that he would have killed Solomon out of hatred, anger and desperation if Garreth hadn't knocked the wand out of his hand.

Sebastian now understood why Ominis wanted to protect him from all this. He wrote that he had used the Cruciatus Curse on me, and that it still haunts him to this day and he regrets it, even though there was no other way to get out of the scriptorium alive, since neither Ominis nor I were willing to use the curse. He made it clear that Solomon's death was his responsibility and not her.

Basically, he summed up everything he'd done wrong over the past three years. He wrote that he will no longer contact her because he understands if she no longer wants to have contact with him. But he stressed that neither Garreth nor I are to blame for his actions. We would have accepted these things only out of our love for him.

He wrote that he will always love her and he hopes that she can at least understand him a little. He gave the Weasleys' address in case she wanted to reply, since we were going to Iceland to look for my parents.

"So? Can I send it off like this?" Sebastian asked, the morning before Adaliz's arrival day, as he showed Garreth and me the meter-long parchment in his neat handwriting. We nodded. It was a letter that made it clear how he felt. Seldom did Sebastian show his feelings in such well chosen words.

Sebastian tied up the parchment and clamped the scroll between his teeth. He transformed into his lynx form and ran outside to the Weasleys' house.

He was unexpectedly fine. Now that Garreth was breaking the darkness inside him, Sebastian continued to behave like the Sebastian we loved, but a lot less secretive and withdrawn. He shared a lot more with us and, much like Garreth usually did, simply voiced all his thoughts.

Despite the fact that the Feldcroft incident was only two days ago, he was positive about the future. Of course he was still thinking about how he could help Anne, but instead of reading books full of dark magic, he was now more focused on Garreth's thoughts on potions that might at least provide relief.

We spent a lot of time in the basement of the house. Sebastian continued to work diligently on another room while Garreth and I prepared potions for our journey.

"Hey guys, I'm done," he beamed, wiping his dirty hands on an old rag. "Come on, have a look.", he said happily and went back into the room.

Garreth and I put everything away and followed Sebastian behind the curtain. Beyond was a large room with a multitude of books on bookshelves. Three large, dark armchairs stood in the middle of the room on a fluffy dark red carpet. Several large torches hung on the walls and made me feel comfortable and warm.

"That looks fantastic!" I said enthusiastically. Sebastian smiled broadly and the corners of his mouth threw back the cute little creases I loved. "That's not all," he said proudly, walking on and leading us into a large, cold pantry with large, empty shelves. "Here you can store food. Then you don't always have to take something with you from your parents. The room is enchanted and never gets warmer than 10 degrees Celsius, so all supplies stay well chilled and fresh.", he said and took Garreth's hand.

"But it still wasn't that. Although the last room is more my thing, I have to admit." He said with a smile as he walked back into the room with the chairs.

"Man, you're making a real fox's burrow out of the old house.", I said, laughing. "That's actually pretty apt. After all, the Fox family lived here," Garreth added.

Sebastian smiled and pointed to two thick books on the last bookcase. "You have to tip these two books at the same time, and then you can walk through the shelves. Come on!" he said, demonstrating for us. Garreth and I looked at each other and followed.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant