48th chapter

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After a while, Garreth lifted his head and looked at me in confusion. His mouth was smeared with Sebastian's blood, which continued to run from his nose. Ominis stood there and started laughing out loud.

"Caelie, pass me my bag," Garreth called out to me while still sitting on Sebastian's stomach to steady him. I handed it to him. He placed it on Sebastian's chest, took a vial and emptied it into Sebastian's mouth.

Garreth paused, set the bag down beside him and looked at Sebastian again. He seemed to be examining him with his gaze. "When did you realize it?" Garreth asked quietly. 

"Just before the night at the Three Broomsticks. And then when you were in France. I missed you both so much. And there I had so much time to think. And I kept thinking about Caelie. And you too. More than me should. As I stood in the shower and thought of Caelie, I thought of you and I felt how much the thought of you turned me on. Had started writing a letter for you too, but I couldn't. And I was so insecure and thought if you were gone I wouldn't be so confused anymore." Sebastian answered in a whisper.

"Do I have to worry that one day you will attack me?" Garreth asked while staring at Sebastian. "No," he replied. 

"How do you feel about me?" Garreth asked further. "I don't know exactly. I love that we understand each other without words, or you teach me how to cook. I love to listen to your stupid jokes, or just to watch you when you sleep. Or your eyes light up when you're happy, or when we play our instruments together. And then just yesterday, this feeling, it was really indescribable.", Sebastian answered smiling and looked deep into Garreth's eyes, while both faces became more and more red, "Well yes, I think I've fallen in love with you."

"Why did you tell me that you don't mind if we got engaged?" Garreth asked, slowly calming down. "I don't mind. I just wish I wasn't there as a third wheel. It hurts to see the two people I most desire planning their future lives together while I'm always a little left out.", Sebastian answered while a tear ran down his cheek and he lowered his gaze.

Garreth slid off his stomach, revealing that Sebastian's cock was fully erect. Ashamed, Sebastian quickly sat down to cover the bulge.

"If you don't trust me anymore, we can also make an unbreakable vow that I will not hurt or kill you against your will.", Sebastian said quietly, "But please, believe me that I don't want to hurt you. You two are just too important to me for that. Please stay in my life, even if I'm a complete idiot."

"It's okay, I know that you told the truth. Even the best liar can't beat my Veritaserum. I hope that you understand this action.", Garreth said and Sebastian nodded.

Ominis stood there and clapped, "Sweet performance. Really stunning. Suddenly coming out to save your own ass from Weasley's fury. Really remarkable, really. There's a lot of actors to learn from you, but you know you're known for picking up girls at Hogwarts and not boys, yes?"Sebastian wiped the blood from his nose once more as Garreth stood up and went to his bag. He pulled small assorted vials from his pocket.

"I'm not gay all of a sudden, Ominis. Garreth is an exception. Everything about him is just kind of beautiful," said Sebastian quietly and blushed brightly.

"Drink this, then you'll feel better.", Garreth started and handed Sebastian a vial while he rubbed some essence of dittany ointment on Sebastian's nose and bloody lip with his thumb. He looked into his eyes. "Have you ever felt something like that for a boy?" I asked and approached the two. Sebastian shook his head, "No, never."

"Ominis, now to you. I understand you. You see a friend walking in the wrong direction. But maybe he's not walking in the wrong direction, maybe it's not your friend that's the problem, it's your perspective," said Gareth softly. Ominis was now back on the floor and had calmed down.

A couple of minutes of silence passed. "Is the Veritaserum still working?" Ominis asked. Gareth nodded. "Then I have a question, Sebastian, what are you really hoping to find out from your research?"

"I finally want to be powerful enough to help Anne and protect you all. I only have one real goal in life, and that is to be happy with the people I care about.", Sebastian answered and looked straight to Ominis.

"And how are we supposed to make sure you don't stray deeper into dark magic?" Ominis asked further. "You can't do. I will continue until Anne gets well or she really doesn't want to see me anymore. I can't rest until then. Even if I were expelled from school here and now, I would continue to do research." said Sebastian.

Ominis nodded. "So we don't have a chance to get you to stop?" he asked quietly. "Only if you kill me.", Sebastian answered.

I observed the situation, unable to speak. My heart was racing like crazy.

"Sorry that i hit you," Garreth said and began gently cleaning the blood from Sebastian's face. "It's fine, I wouldn't have reacted differently if I were you.", Sebastian replied with a charming smile, "Besides, you owe me something now. If you hit me, I can hit you too."

"By Merlin's beard, Sebastian, please be quiet. That's really disgusting.", Ominis yelled and put his hand to his face in embarrassment.

"How is Anne?" Sebastian asked and sat down next to Ominis. Ominis removed his hand from his face. "She's really worried about you. She wants you to just enjoy your life and not give up just to maybe heal her," Ominis answered. "I'm sorry. I don't want to worry anyone, but I need to find a cure.", Sebastian said quietly.

"Sebastian, take off your shirt," Garreth said, sitting down next to him with a small bowl of water and his wand. Sebastian smiled mischievously as he saw Ominis head turn bright red.

I sat down with the three. I was still shocked and just kept watching.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat