The world is your oyster. Use it.

I will always love you.

Your Sebastian

"GARRETH!" I cried out in panic. I screamed and cried as Garreth slowly emerged from the bedroom. "What's going on?" he asked, totally sleepy.

"Sebastian has left us. He is turning himself in to the Ministry." I said, crying.

"What?" he asked, looking at me in disbelief. I handed him the parchment. As he read it, he started to cry.

"No, no, no. He can't be serious," he said quietly.

I stared at the parchment a little longer. It had a lot of small dried stains. He cried when he wrote the letter.

I felt like I was in a trance. I couldn't believe it.

Garreth went outside and began to search for Sebastian. I got dressed. Perhaps he was still at Feldcroft. I called Garreth back so he could get dressed and then we set off.

We knocked on the door in a panic when Anne carefully opened it. Her face was quite red. Apparently she had already received Sebastian's letter.

"He's really gone, isn't he?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"We're trying to figure that out," I replied, wiping the tears from my face with my sleeve.

"I've got an idea, Caelie! Dad! Maybe, Dad knows something," he said, and Apparated to us at the Weasleys' house without further comment. It was empty. We used the portkey in the barn and suddenly found ourselves in Yvain's office.

"Dad, have you seen Sebastian?" Garreth asked in panic. Yvain nodded slightly. "Where is he?" Garreth asked, still panicking. Yvain did not reply. "DAD, WHERE'S MY FIANCE?!" Garreth screamed.

"He has already been taken to Azkaban," Yvain said quietly. Garreth and I broke down on the spot, crying.

"I'm sorry, but my hands are tied. He confessed to the murder of his uncle," said Yvain, putting his face in his hands, "I never thought he would be capable of that."

Garreth and I were just crying. "But isn't it for the best? Do you really want to be married to a murderer?" Yvain asked carefully.

Garreth's face flushed red with anger and after an aggressive "Just fuck you Dad," he ran out of the room, grabbing my wrist with him. He asked dozens of employees if we could be taken to Azkaban. But no one could help us Nobody wanted to help us.

Garreth sat down by the fountain in the middle of the big, round hall and we kept crying.

"It can't be. Sebastian didn't deserve this. He just wanted to help." I whimpered. We sat on the floor together and wept.

"Do you want to drink this vial?" Garreth asked me quietly. "No, not at all.", I answered coolly, "I don't want to forget him." "Fine, me neither."

Some people stood around us and looked at us worried. "Piss off. Everyone," Garreth said, looking at them like he was going to butcher them.

It was terrible. Just terrible. Yes, Sebastian made mistakes, but we knew how much he'd improved.

We kept sitting on the floor and crying. How should it continue now?Yvain slowly walked towards us and crouched in front of us. "I'll try to prevent a kiss from the dementor.

I'm going to represent him and arrange for a court hearing. I am sorry. With everything he's been through in his young life, there's no way he can be treated like a murderer.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now