He thrust fast and hard while I covered his mouth to keep from moaning.

I felt his warm hands on my bottom, with which he pressed me even more firmly. Suddenly his movements changed. Again and again he lifted me slightly and let me fall on his cock. I wanted to scream with excitement.

"I love how good you feel on my cock," Garreth growled softly, "Your little pussy is so tight."

My heart dropped into my pants. Otherwise, Garreth didn't talk much during sex because he was busy moaning. But I was immensely aroused by the way he was talking. I could feel his hands running down my back. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head back.

"So how does it feel to let an invisible man fuck you, Caelie?" he asked. I tried to stifle a groan as I gently rocked up and down.

"Tell me, darling." He demanded. "Wonderful. You feel fantastic. Your big cock almost drives me insane every time," I replied quietly.

Garreth apparently got up and laid me on the sofa and knelt in front of me. He thrust fast and hard. We successfully stifled our moans so the only sound was Garreth's balls slapping against my bottom.

He kept his pace and it wasn't long before we were both on the verge of our climax when we  heard footsteps. Garreth wouldn't be stopped and we were both coming when we suddenly heard smacking sounds and soft giggling.

"It's already occupied here.", Garreth said, laughing softly.

"Who's here?" I heard a familiar voice ask, "Garreth, was that you? Where are you?"

"On the sofa, wait a minute, we...um, have to put things away," he replied, pulling away from me.

"Who are you kidding? We can see that the sofa is empty." I heard Nellie say. "Yeah, because we, um, well, drank the invisibility potion.", he said to Leander and Nellie.

"Well, why are you hanging around here at such a late hour?" I asked quietly. "Apparently, for the same reason as you.", Leander answered and turned bright red, "I will never be able to sit on the sofa again."

"Be glad it wasn't your bed, Prewett." I laughed. "Your potion is fantastic. You really can't be seen at all. Do you still have any of that, Garreth?" Nellie asked.

"Yes, wait. I'll put it on the table next to you," he said and I heard him walking, "Caelie, where are you at right now? I think I lost you." Garreth laughed.

I had a rough idea of where he was standing and was about to walk over to him when we bumped right into each other. "That's really funny," I said, hugging my Garreth, "Well yeah, you have to be careful because you don't see each other either." Garreth warned, "But then I'd say let's leave these two alone. "

Garreth pulled me towards the stairs by the hand. We said goodbye with a kiss and went to our dormitories. I ducked into the shower and got into bed.

The next morning we went to the great hall where we were supposed to get our timetables. Garreth and I snorted in exasperation. We were in different groups after all. Matilda handed out our schedules with a happy smile.

Garreth and I looked over our plans. Since today was Friday, I started with the study of ancient Runes, which most likely meant that Garreth now had Defense Against the Dark Arts.

At the same time we snorted and said annoyed, "Ancient Runes.". We looked at each other. "Do you have study of ancient runes now?" Garreth asked me, pulling my schedule out of my hand. 

He started beaming. "Caelie, I think a red-haired angel pushed me into a group with you," he said, looking at his aunt who gave him a friendly smile. Garreth jumped up and rushed to the Slytherin table. I saw how he rushed over to Sebastian and talked to him.

He was clearly happy. Apparently Matilda had put us all together in a group. He walked back to our Gryffindor table, bouncing happily. "We're all three in the same group. I owe Aunt Matilda for that," he said happily as he sat back down.

We ate and went with Sebastian to the classroom. "And? How was it yesterday?" I asked cautiously. "It was bloody annoying. A bunch of stupid comments, from stupid people, Ominis didn't say a word to me, and another braini kept talking to me while I was reading. Merlin, I'm glad I'm gone soon." he replied annoyed.

"Should I talk to Ominis?" I asked softly, "We'll have lessons alone for the next hour." "You're welcome to try, but I don't think it's going to do any good."

After ancient runes, Ominis walked towards Prof. Fig's classroom. "Ominis, please wait." I called after him. And indeed he stopped and looked in my direction.

"Ominis, how are you? How's Anne?" I asked softly. "How are we supposed to be, Caelie? Anne is miserable and I'm no better when I see the woman I love suffer," Ominis answered. His voice wasn't angry. Just sad.

"Did you receive Sebastian's letter?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes, but that doesn't change anything. Sebastian has finally destroyed Anne's life."

"But Sebastian didn't force Anne... to use that spell. He didn't even know she could do it," I said softly.

Ominis turned to me and looked sad, "I know. I taught her. I wanted her to be able to defend herself if she was in danger. I just wanted her to be safe. I had no way of knowing she was going to kill her own uncle with that. But even so, Sebastian put her in this situation. He went too far, Caelie. How can you possibly defend him? You have seen the Inferi!"

"I know. But Sebastian isn't like that anymore," I said softly as Ominis started to laugh. "You don't really believe that, do you? Sebastian will never stop. He doesn't belong at Hogwarts anymore. He belongs at Azkaban."

"Are you serious? Sebastian is your friend!" I said and felt myself getting really angry. "No. He was my friend.", Ominis said and looked down

"Please believe me. Sebastian has stopped. He has changed. If you don't believe me, ask Garreth. Garreth awakened the ability, Godric Gryffindor's ability. He purified Sebastian's soul. Right after the incident in the catacombs. He now senses dark magic around him. And he can keep Sebastian under control. You're wrong in judging him." I said softly.

"He awakened the ability? How?" he asked, looking genuinely surprised. "The premise was losing a loved one in the dark. Garreth could see Sebastian's pain.

He really never meant anything bad for anyone. And since the Feldcroft incident, he's really different. Please give him a chance."

He didn't say anything more. But he nodded, barely visible. We sat next to each other and tried to follow the lesson. I didn't want to press him any further, so I was walking alone toward the great hall when I suddenly heard a "Caelie, wait!" Ominis ran after me.

"What was actually going on? Where were you? Were you kidnapped?" He asked quietly. "How do you know about that?" I asked surprised.

"Garreth was standing in front of our, I mean, Anne's door one evening and asked if we had seen you. Anne said his eyes were swollen. At least he could have texted us that you were back. We were worried," he said quietly. "You were worried about me, despite everything?" I asked, honestly amazed.

"Yes, of course, we know that you and Garreth only support Sebastian out of love. You're not a bad person. Neither is Garreth. We're not sure about Sebastian.", he said almost whispering at the end.

"Please give him a chance. He hasn't studied dark magic all summer. He and Garreth have been working on a potion that could alleviate Annes symptoms. He's really different. And i know that he misses you. Even when he doesn't admit it. He loves you like a brother Ominis." I said softly and smiled at him. Although he couldn't see my smile, he returned it.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now