Ch.18-Who Am I? Pt.3

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We followed Frosdrakkon and we arrived in Argentina. We looked down at the city below us and saw the people looking at us.

"If we do it here, then..."

"It'll only hurt everyone."

"Then we have to make it count, right?" Keiko asked.




"Did you really have to carry the kaiju here?!"

Ptera Wing had attached to Haruto and Akito's Dyna Brothers; we carried the kaiju they had controlled, but it was heavy.

"Well, we didn't want to leave it alone."

Rin grunted. "Mattaku..."

Frosdrakkon landed and roared, then it shot an energy beam and started freezing everything. People ran away screaming and some buildings began to fall down.

"Let's go!"


"Haah...!" We threw the kaiju towards Frosdrakkon and it spun.

Frosdrakkon gets knocked back by the kaiju and roars at it. They glared at each other and prepared to fight.


Haruto and Akito raised their hands. "Instance...Domination!"

The kaiju's eyes glowed red and roared back at Frosdrakkon. "RAAGH!!!"

They charge at each other and attacked each other using their claws, then the kaiju punched Frosdrakkon.


"Dyna Sky Beam!" We shoot an energy beam at Frosdrakkon and it hits.

The kaiju punches Frosdrakkon in the face, then punches it in the chest.

"Ggh...!" Frosdrakkon glares at the kaiju, then lets out a cold breath.

The kaiju's left arm slowly froze in ice and it backed away. Then, Frosdrakkon grabs the kaiju and pins it to the ground.



The kaiju's arm completely froze and it broke off. The kaiju groaned in pain and Frosdrakkon shoved its claws even deeper into the kaiju.

"Now or never!" said Haruto and Akito.

"Access Mode: Tricera Striker!"

"Access Mode: Megalo Diver!"

"Access Mode: Shinobi Kusanagi!"

They arrived in their figures and we all faced Frosdrakkon and the kaiju.

"Haah...!" The kaiju's eyes glowed and hit Frosdrakkon with an energy blast.


"Haah!" Gridpaladin and Gridknight appeared, kicking Frosdrakkon back.

"Knight! Paladin!"

"Asanaka Haruto, Asanaka Akito. Why is there another kaiju here?"

"We're using it to save Takuya."

They stared at us. "Hmph. Very well."

Frosdrakkon recovered and glared at us. Suddenly, ice formed at its feet and came towards them.

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