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The Rooftop

Sandaime went through her bag and pulled out a coffee-flavored boba drink. "Here."

I took it. "Arigatou."

Sandaime opened hers and drank it. "Bitter, but oishii!"

I took a sip, then I looked at her. "Anosillus."

She took another sip. "What is it, Nii-san?"

"That kaiju, Suija. Was it right to keep her alive?"

"You still have doubts?"

"No kaiju, not even her, should even exist anymore. Especially when there are humans around."

"Yes...she shouldn't, but...she survived."

"From what?"

"I read her heart; she's kind, brave, and protective. However...behind all of that...I sensed sadness and guilt."

"Hmph. Of course you'd be able to pick that up."

"Nii-san, I don't think she's trying to hurt anyone. Otherwise, I'm sure Korea would've been gone by now."

I looked at the city of New Tsutsujidai. "She's an ancient kaiju and as you said, 'she survived'. What do you mean by that?"

She looked in the sky. "There...were some stories Okaa-san had lying around; some human stories, and some kaiju stories."

I looked back at her. "What did they say?"

"One story talked about a powerful prince who was able to control multiple kaijus at once." She continued. "Long ago, it was said that he built his empire by destroying villages and burning down kingdoms using his kaijus. Among one of them, there was a 'giant serpent with scales gleaming like the blue sea'."

"Suija..." She nodded. "Wouldn't that mean that she's a threat?"

"Not anymore."

"Why is that?"

"When the prince was taking over the world, he found a priestess who had great power. The kaiju he controlled were set free and she gave them free will; some of them still loyal to the prince, but others stood by the priestess. Fascinated by her power and beauty, he married the priestess and stopped building the empire."

"Free will. Like our predecessor?"

"Different, but similar in a way." She continued. "Anyways, when he married the priestess, he stopped being a kaiju user and she taught him to love the kaijus. Sooner or later, he accepted his love for the kaijus and wished to protect them. However...other kaiju users would come for him."


"You know..."

"The Kaiju Eugenicists..." She nodded.

She took a sip of her drink. "They killed his wife, the priestess, and because of that, it enraged him. Using all of his willpower, he commanded thousands of kaiju and waged war against the other kaiju users. In the end, much blood was spilled; he lost and was killed."

"Such a tragedy..." She nodded. "So...Suija...survived that and hid. Instead of destroying everything, she wanted to protect everything."

"That's right."

I stared at her and she frowned. "There's more...right...?"

She nodded. "Before...he died, he promised himself that he'll live once again to take revenge on all kaiju users. The priestess foresaw this before she died and made a wish: 'If the prince would wage war on the people of Earth, if he would die, his soul shall split'."

I stared at her. "You're worried. Why?"

"Suija was a part of that story, meaning that it's real. If so, then that means that the prince will live again."

"Hmm...maybe. But his soul is split, meaning that he won't have his full power."

"I suppose you're right. But who knows? Maybe he's already in our world."

"If it that's true, then maybe we do need Suija after all."

She chuckled. "I'm sure when the time comes, she'll aid us. After all...she's already friends with Takuya-kun and Izumi."

"Right." I took a sip of my drink, then I chuckled. "Hibiki Takuya is making stories, right? Why don't you lend him that one?"

"It would be an exact copy; nobody would enjoy a copy."

"I suppose so."

Sandaime finished her drink and sighed. "I wonder what they're doing."

"We can visit them later if you'd like."

"Really? Arigatou!"


"Hey, can we visit Suija as well?!"


"Eh? Why?"

"We don't have a ride."

"We can ask Izumi. They're visiting Suija almost everyday."



"One; it'd be bad for us to ask them everytime. Two; we have duties here in New Tsutsujidai. And three; I doubt Suija would want to see us, knowing that we're kaijus as well."

"You and your reasons..."

It's true. Suija hid away from all the pain and sadness of losing her kaiju brothers and sisters. To see us would just reopen that wound of hers.

"Hey, are you finished with your drink?"


"Can...I drink it?"



"Too much of this will kill you."


She stared at me for a while, then I sighed. "Fine. Here."

She giggled. "Arigatou, Nii-san!"

Before she grabbed it, I moved my hand. "But, if you drink this, I'm not getting you anymore."



She stared at me for a while, then sat down. "Fine..."

I chuckled, then I looked back at the city. The Prince of Kaijus. I have a feeling he's already here.

GRIDMAN X DYNAZENON: Hopeful FutureWhere stories live. Discover now