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My World

I woke up back in my world and I left my room. I saw my mother taking a nap on the kitchen table and I smiled.

"You've been working hard, haven't you, Okaa-san..."

She slowly opened her eyes and turned to look at me. " came back."

"Yeah, I did.

She sat up and yawned. "So? How was it?"

"It went pretty well. A lot has happened."

"Really? Tell me." I told her what happened; Rin had got a new figure, Keide and Keiko tapped into Dyna Soul, and Takuya had been talking to a kaiju.

"Hmm...that is interesting..."

"They've all gotten stronger, so much stronger. It's incredible!"

She smiled. "Well, you know their parents; they're the same."

"Yeah. I suppose they got all of that from them."

"And you too."

I giggled. "Me too."

"'s school?"

"Stressful. Thank god it's summer break for me in this world..."

"Yeah...not really good when you go to two schools." We both laughed.

"What have you been doing?"

"Making sculptures as usual. And selling them."

"Ehhhh? You're selling them?!"

"Don't worry, it's the only ones I made. Although...I think I accidentally sold one of yours..."

"W-Which one was it?"

"Hmm...oh! I think it was that giant one. Or...was it the one that looked like Gridman."


"Gomen, gomen! I'll make one for you!"

I sighed. "That took a lot of work..."

"I could tell; the eyes, the arms, the legs, and even how it was built. You've gotten better."

"Well...I did learn a lot while I was there. Rin, Takuya's sister, was the one who first made it."

"Really?! That's nice to hear!"

I stared at her. " to her before...right?"

"Yeah...when I was in that world."

"She talks a lot about you. You're kind of like her role model."

"Eh? Really? I'm not that good..."

"Don't say that. I agree with Rin."

"Arigatou, Sachi." I nodded. "So...if I may ask...when did you decide to make Gridman?"


"I don't remember you liking the Ultra series as much, but..."


She grinned. "Wait...don't tell me..."


"It's not Gridman that inspired you, was it~?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. I just...wanted to make one!"


"I'm serious!"

"Uh huh. You said that it 'took a lot of work', and it looks exactly like...not Gridman...but..." She came closer to me. "Grid, right?"


"Seems like you've made many friends, but...I never thought you would-"

"Okay, enough!"

"Ehhhh? I'm just saying, you know?" She smiled. "Have you two gone anywhere together~?"

"Only school. And...that festival..."

"Oh! A festival? That's nice!"

"Yeah...but...I wasn't technically with him."

"Oh. Well...when you see a chance, take it!"


She giggled. "Look at your face! You're red!"

"A-Am I?!"

"No, you're not." I grunted. "It makes me happy that you've found someone!"

I blushed. "W-We're not a thing..."


"Okaa-san!" She giggled.

"Hmm...I suppose not. Takuya Takuya....Yuta's son. Hmm...if I remember right, he...likes Izumi?"


"Or was it the other way around?"


She grinned. "Are you perhaps jealous~?"

"No! I'm not!"

"Are you sure~?"


She sighed. "Well, either way, it's fine. Start off as friends first; don't rush yourself."

"Okaa-san...are you...speaking from experience?"

She stared at me. "Hmm...maybe~?"

"Of course. You and Otou-san did like each other from a young age..."

" wasn't your father."

"Eh? Who was it?"

"We'll save that story for another time."

"No, tell me now! Tell me!"

She sighed. "Mattaku...have you even eaten yet?"

"Yeah, I-" My stomach growled. "Maybe...not..."

"Food in that world doesn't work in this world, remember?"

"I know..."

"Now, go find something to eat first, then we'll talk."



She went towards the pantry and tried finding some food to eat.

"She's grown a lot, hasn't she? Kouta..."


I came back and placed a bowl of hot noodles on the table.

"Alright. Now, tell me the story."

"Not until you eat~"

"I'll eat once you start the story."

"I'll tell the story once you eat."


"Hmm...maybe because I'm your mother? And also, I like watching people eat. If I see you eating it, maybe I'll tell you all of it."

"R-Really?" She nodded, then I began to eat.

"But...before I do..."

I stopped eating. "What?"

"You said that Takuya was talking to a kaiju, right? What's that about?"

"I...don't really know myself. Grid said something about it being 'ancient'."

"I see. Besides that, you're helping the Grid Alliance, right?"

"I mean...I try least."

She smiled. "At least you're trying. Be there for them like they are there for you."

"I will."

"Maybe by doing that, you can get close to Takuya!"

"Okaa-san!" She giggled.

"Alright alright. Go on, eat. I'll tell the story now."

"Are you really?"

"Yes, I am."

I stared at her, then I continued eating.

"Let's was back when I went to school with Rikka and them...

GRIDMAN X DYNAZENON: Hopeful FutureWhere stories live. Discover now