Chapter 22

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They smoothly went through their college years, appearing like the most compatible couple, without any arguments even before their third anniversary.

Xiao Zhan was always the most competent lover.

Even when Wang Yibo occasionally felt moody, Xiao Zhan was always infinitely gentle, considerate, and accommodating towards Wang Yibo's every little whim.

Sometimes, when he got too immersed in the role, Xiao Zhan felt like there was nothing different between him and a normal person. He would say caring words that he knew Wang Yibo would appreciate, playing the role of a lover in a normal relationship, and most of those words were things he genuinely wanted to say.

His level of attachment to Wang Yibo only grew stronger.

Especially after experiencing Wang Yibo's active and unconditional love.

Like a shark catching the scent of blood, he would lock onto his prey until he devoured it, relentless and persistent.

Just like how everything about Wang Yibo had to belong to him.

Therefore, the one thing Xiao Zhan would never allow was for Wang Yibo's love for him to be divided even by a fraction. Fortunately, such a trend had not appeared.

After graduation, Wang Yibo successfully received his official police uniform. Of course, Xiao Zhan had manipulated things behind the scenes. He didn't want Wang Yibo to become a criminal policeman with a high level of danger. He was afraid that he might make a mistake and let Wang Yibo get hurt. However, Wang Yibo's grades were good, and he hoped to be selected as a criminal policeman. So Xiao Zhan arranged some connections and had Wang Yibo assigned to a department that didn't require fieldwork, but rather focused on analyzing criminal cases.

Xiao Zhan was satisfied with this profession. He hoped that they could continue to live a stable life together. He didn't find it boring, nor did he ever feel uninterested. Since they had been together, Xiao Zhan rarely went to Qinghe Road or the dissecting room anymore. He no longer needed those distractions.

He hoped that they could love each other like this until they died on the same day.

However, recently they would be separated for a few days. Xiao Ruhai had to go overseas to secretly observe the most advanced military equipment, and he specifically requested Xiao Zhan to accompany him. Xiao Zhan didn't dislike such activities, so he agreed.

He also needed to occasionally go on "business trips" to make his cover more believable.

Xiao Zhan read in the information he had accessed that a brief separation could make a couple more intimate, and he thought they should give it a try.

When Xiao Zhan's plane landed and his phone restarted, a flood of messages from Wang Yibo came in.

"Xiao Zhan, have you arrived?"

"What does that country you're going to have? Is there anything good to eat besides animals? Can you bring back some snacks for me?"

"I already miss you! Miss you miss you miss you miss you."

"The case we were working on the past few days is closed, and the bureau gave me a bonus again. It doesn't feel meaningful. The ones doing field work must be busier. I'm now in a different team, dealing with a body disposal case. I'm a little scared."

Xiao Zhan read each message one by one and then called Wang Yibo.

Wang Yibo answered instantly and asked, "Hello? What's up?"

"Do you miss me?"


Sending a message and admitting it in person were different things. Wang Yibo stubbornly refused to reveal his vulnerability, as if he could deceive anyone.

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