Chapter 10

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On November 4, just after the monthly exam, Wang Yibo noticed that Xiao Zhan was acting a little strange.

Today's Xiao Zhan seems... extremely excited?

Of course, Wang Yibo asked Xiao Zhan, "Is there anything you are happy about?" "I think you have been very happy today."



In fact, Wang Yibo couldn't say it well he looked happy, but he didn't look like it. In short, he thought Xiao Zhan is very excited. Xiao Zhan confirmed Wang Yibo's conjecture, nodded, and said, "I'm looking forward to today."

"What should I expect?"

Xiao Zhan shook his head, as if there was a secret he couldn't tell him.

Wang Yibo was a little upset. He and Xiao Zhan are good friends why can't Xiao Zhan tell him a secret? He can't accept it.

"Why are you hiding something from me..."

Xiao Zhan still shook his head.

"I'll talk to you next time."

Wang Yibo was even more upset. He turned to leave, and Xiao Zhan grabbed his clothes again and handed him a warm box.

"The egg tarts I baked for you, milk, and condensed milk are low in lactose."

So Wang Yibo quickly forgave Xiao Zhan. He loves the inner core of egg tarts the most. The egg tarts made by Xiao Zhan are different. The meringue is only a thin layer, but the inner core is dense and deep. He even hopes that Xiao Zhan will open a shop so that he can take care of them every day.

The moment he opened the egg tart, hot air rose rapidly. Wang Yibo blew on the hot air, deliberately letting the white mist blow in Xiao Zhan's direction.

Xiao Zhan gently stopped him "Don't make trouble."

Wang Yibo bit into half an egg tart and said vaguely, "It smells so good!"


A fleeting emotion flashed in Xiao Zhan's eyes he nodded and said, "It's really fragrant."

Wang Yibo's praise made Xiao Zhan feel better on the way back to the old house. He hummed the song that Wang Yibo had listened to with him all the way his happy expression caused the driver to turn his head frequently, but he didn't dare to ask a question in the end.

Xiao Zhan likes people like this because they are clean.

Today is the day Xue Qing was discharged from the hospital. She gave birth in the hospital and gave birth to a daughter—Xiao Zhan's legally obligated "sister." Of course, Xiao Ruhai knew that Xue Qing would have a daughter, so he promised Xiao Zhan that the newborn would not shake his status, although Xiao Zhan didn't care.

He was really excited today.

Xiao Zhan even looked at the rusty gate and couldn't help laughing. Xiao Ruhai was busy escorting the interviews of the two heads of state abroad and didn't care about his "little things."

Xiao Zhan went straight to Xue Qing's room.

Behind him were Xiao Ruhai's personal soldiers. Although he always despised them as useless, he was unwilling to do things like drag things by himself.

Xue Qing was frightened by Xiao Zhan's arrival. She didn't care about her postpartum weakness and ran to the cradle, hugging the infant tightly, as if it were the last straw.

"What are you doing?! "What are you doing?" "I beg you."

Xiao Zhan waved his hand slightly.

"Take away."

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