Chapter 29

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When Wang Yibo returned home, it was already late in the evening. Xiao Zhan had indeed listened to him and was resting at home to recover from his injuries. This was the first time in Wang Yibo's memory that Xiao Zhan fell asleep before he returned home.

On the dining table was the food Xiao Zhan had prepared for him, still warm to the touch. Wang Yibo couldn't imagine how Xiao Zhan managed to heat up the meal while limping, but he knew that Xiao Zhan would always do things like this for him. Even if he had difficulty moving, Xiao Zhan would still prepare the best food for him, just like the way they had been during the years they were in love.

Xiao Zhan always took care of him wholeheartedly, and sometimes Wang Yibo felt a bit embarrassed to be pampered to such an extent. Xiao Zhan was forever gentle and patient with him, tolerating his occasional tantrums and always speaking softly, showering him with care and affection as if he were taking care of a child. Xiao Zhan never argued with him over money matters and even gave him all his assets. Although he lived in Xiao Zhan's house, Xiao Zhan wouldn't let him do any household chores, not even washing a dish, as Xiao Zhan would insist on doing it himself. Most of the meals he had eaten over the years were also cooked by Xiao Zhan, and while this might partly be due to Xiao Zhan's possessiveness, Wang Yibo chose to interpret it as an expression of love.

He should have known that no one could be perfectly flawless.

He had once relished in Xiao Zhan's extreme "perfection" but now he was witnessing the extremely "imperfect" side of Xiao Zhan, and the combination of both aspects was the real Xiao Zhan.

He felt conflicted; he disliked it, but... he just couldn't let go. He couldn't continue enjoying all the good from Xiao Zhan and then simply abandon him when faced with difficulties, right?

Wang Yibo closed his eyes, reminiscing about the experiences of this period.

Of course, he was in love.

And then?

Then... he didn't know.

He wanted to test whether Xiao Zhan could control his emotions, whether he could gradually return to normal, and then he would consider the next steps. If he found that Xiao Zhan was only saying things but couldn't live up to his words, if he continued to act recklessly and engage in those crazy behaviors as before, then he would think about finding a way to break free.

During that period, the biggest shadow left on Wang Yibo was not the imprisonment or the act of Xiao Zhan killing someone, but the fact that Xiao Zhan had used his parents to threaten him. This made him constantly filled with fear and apprehension.

That was his bottom line. His parents had worked hard to raise him, and he hadn't been able to repay them yet. He couldn't let them down.

Wang Yibo asked himself again, "If Xiao Zhan hadn't uttered that threatening statement, would they have reconciled by now?"


Wang Yibo didn't wake up the sleeping person. He quietly got up and walked towards another bedroom, carefully closing the door behind him.

As he left, the person who pretended to be asleep opened his eyes in that moment of door closure. He silently looked in the direction Wang Yibo had left, slightly moved his fingers, as if wanting to hold on to the person. However, after a few curling movements of his fingers, he stopped and let go.

The next morning, Xiao Zhan found Wang Yibo and asked, "I need a new name."

"Why?" Wang Yibo inquired.

"Because I'm already on record, and someone else is using my name as an alias. It's not very inconspicuous to have the same name, so I want to change it and create a new identity."

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