Chapter 11

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This year's winter is colder than previous years.

Xiao Zhan said it was "severely cold," and Wang Yibo laughed at him for his polite words.

Xiao Zhan didn't get angry because of his jokes. instead, he often brought him milk tea in a thermos.

He said the milk tea is made with the cheapest milk tea powder, but the milk tea that comes out can always make the classroom full of tea fragrance.

Wang Yibo also wants to buy a can, but he is afraid that after he buys the milk tea powder, Xiao Zhan will stop bringing him milk tea to drink.

The milk tea that Xiao Zhan brought must be better than the one he made. Xiao Zhan seems to have magical powers, which can make all food wonderful.

The position in the classroom still changes every week, and the only thing that remains the same is

Xiao Zhan's position, so Wang Yibo is used to walking to the corner of the classroom from all directions.

He seems to never get tired of playing with Xiao Zhan.

Whether it's chatting or asking questions, he likes the feeling of being close to Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan is gentle and patient with him. Wang Yibo sometimes even looks at Xiao Zhan's face, unconsciously, in a daze.

Xiao Zhan is really good-looking. it seems that every part of his appearance is just right for him to like, and he will never get tired of watching it.

Xiao Zhan noticed his gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Yibo felt guilty. he immediately shook his head and denied, "It's nothing."

He held the thermos cup in his hand, feeling the warmth of the cup of milk tea.

In a daze, Wang Yibo seemed to have discovered something. he looked at Xiao Zhan's beautiful face and then touched his own face.

His face was as hot as a thermos.

The inexplicable throbbing continued until he returned home. Wang Yibo walked all the way home, and during the part where he was walking with Xiao Zhan, he didn't even dare look at the people next to him.

He seemed to understand something but didn't feel like it.

When he got home, there was a smell of leeks in the house. Wang Yibo guessed that his mother was making leek dumplings. He washed his hands consciously, sat next to his mother, picked up a small noodle pancake and put it in the palm of his hand, and then put the full-leek dumplings in the pan. Fill it in.  

"Aren't you going to do your homework?"

"It's finished."  

In fact, he was short of three papers, but he didn't want to write any more.

Wang Yibo lowered his head, shaped the dumpling into a shape similar to an ingot, and put it aside. His hands were covered with flour. Wang Yibo patted them, and the dust got into his nose, making it itchy. He asked, "What time will my dad come back today?"

"Nine o'clock."  


Wang Yibo touched the tip of his nose and rubbed his nose white.

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Tell me, what's the matter? Need pocket money? "I happen to have a twenty-dollar bill in my bag."


Wang Yibo was a little tangled, but the doubts in his mind got deeper and deeper, and he finally said "I think I've been a little weird recently. I just... have a friend, and I always want to take care of him, and I always want to see him, but it's nice to see him alone, and he seems to take care of me a little more."
Mother Wang pinched her waist to look at him and asked, "Have you fallen in love early?"

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