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When Hyeon-Jun was denying to go inside the program, Hyo-Ju and Han-wool also arrived at that time.
Cha Han-wool: "Hyo-Ju!"
He called her so loudly that it reach through Hyeon-jun's ears which made him look at them
Shin Hyo-Ju: "What?"
She gave an annoying expression
Cha Han-wool: "Favour me to carry those kinds of stuff."
There was some stuff on the backseat
Shin Hyo-Ju: "You are a man. Can't you carry those little amounts of stuff?"
She crossed her arms
Cha Han-wool: "Shin Hyo-Ju. Those are the kinds of stuff which Soo-yun asked me to bring to the program. If you don't wanna help me fine no need to. Who cares? I'm not responsible."
Shin Hyo-Ju: "Alright."
She quickly agrees

Cha Han-wool: "First carry this flower bouquet."
Eunji: "Woah her older boyfriend knows how to give surprises."
Eunji has no idea about Hyo-Ju and Han-wool's relationship but still she did this to get closer to Hyeon-Jun.
Shin Hyo-Ju: "I will only take these two. The rest you can carry."
She hold two big boxes which were packed
Eunji: "He is spoiling her."
Hyo-Ju and Han-wool both went inside and Hyeon-Jun kept looking
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Why they are here though?"
Eunji: "No idea. But I heard some rumours about Hyo-Ju that she used to learn ballet but suddenly she gives up."
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Gives up?"
Eunji: "Maybe she again got interested in these and told her big boyfriend to be invited...okay, I should get going my father will be worried about me. Bye."
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Eunji can I go with you?"

SCENE: Inside the program hall

Song Jeong: "Hello senior."
She greets a lady
Lady: "Jeong you still look so young and beautiful."
Song Jeong: "Thank you senior. You are also gorgeous."
Lady: "Not more than you."
Song Jeong: "Senior there are my son and daughter. Song Hwan and Song Yon."
Lady: "Gosh your son is also handsome."
The lady was aged. She touched my brother's arm
Song Hwan: "Thank you, pretty lady."
Lady: "Jeong your son knows to flirt."
My mother laughed
Lady: "Song Yon."
When she came near me she paused and looked me from down to up
You: "Yes."
I smiled
Lady: "Jeong is she your adopted child? She neither looks like you nor Si-woo."
I was full of shocked. I agree that I look unique but it doesn't mean I'm not their child. Plus my brother was holding his laugh as he was about to burst. I pinched him harder.

Song Jeong: "No senior. What are you saying? She is my daughter."
My mom didn't like it
Lady: "But anyone will get mistaken."
She didn't make herself small
Song Jeong: "Senior you may have felt tired to reach here. Please be seated."
My mom tried her best to get us free from her
Lady: "I'm not tired plus I have reserved my seat."
But she doesn't seem to move a bit
Song Jeong: "But anyone will get mistaken."
My mom loosed her temper
Lady: "Woah Jeong are you mistreating me?"
She started to say in a higher tone
Song Jeong: "I'm sorry senior but you should not have said an abandoned child to my daughter. It sounds a bit rude. Don't you think so?"
Lady: "Are you out of your mind Jeong? What's wrong did I say? She doesn't even look like their parents. Wait what if her father is not Si-woo then...?"
Song Jeong: "What?"
Song Hwan: "Hey you ugly old lady. Apologize to my mom and sister."
At first, my brother thought she was joking but he also seems to lose his temper
Lady: "Why should I apologize?"
Song Hwan: "Don't test my patience level. Apologize now or I will have to apply some other techniques."
Song Jeong: "Hwan leave it."
My mom stopped my brother before creating a mess
Lady: "Jeong say your son to behave himself. You know what type of power I hold for this institute."
Shin Soo-yun: "Oops I think have recorded at the wrong moment."
At that moment Shin Soo-yun came alone while holding her phone
Lady: "What have you recorded?"
She got scared
Shin Soo-yun: "Maybe the whole moment. Sorry, I just wanted to share with my colleagues who were not able to present today."
We were all listening to her attentively
Shin Soo-yun: "They are video-calling me now."
Lady: "Just move to the other side and talk."
Shin Soo-yun: "But you all are standing at the main decoration. It would be embarrassing to not show this. Is it okay to video call here with my colleagues?"
Soo-yun innocently said this and the lady couldn't help herself to get away from there


The Wallflower Case (Story of an Introvert Girl)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora