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Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Well do you know that guy too?"
He was not interested in knowing her
Eunji: "That guy. That's her boyfriend."
She said simply.
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "What? Are you kidding me? How's is that possible? He look so old to call him as a boyfriend to her."
Eunji: "You can't judge it. It's their life. Also it's becoming a trend to have an older boyfriend."
She slightly bit him. She said with so confidence that Hyeon-Jun didn't ask her twice and kept looking at her in disbelief. At the moment her phone rangs and she quickly pick up
Eunji: "Hello."
Girl3: "What are you doing there for so long with your boyfriend?"
Eunji: "I...
She turned backwards and watch the girls
Eunji: "Why are you all coming here?"
Girl1: "To see your boyfriend."
Girl2: "You always keep waiting us and now too. Today we are not going to loose the chance."
Eunji: "You guys are not understanding he is a shy boy. He just came here to meet me not you."
Without saying anything they cut the call and keep coming towards them. Eunji got scared
Eunji: "Gosh they are so stubborn. What should I do now?"

She turned towards Hyeon-Jun and look back at Hyo-Ju and Han-wool. In that moment Hyo-Ju get inside and Han-wool too. They went away. Eunji thought of an idea
Eunji: "Hyeon-Jun."
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Yes."
Eunji: "It seems like you are interested in Hyo-Ju."
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "It's nothing like that?"
Eunji: "Do you want to know more about her?"
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Why are you willing talk about her? And I have never seen you being friends with her?"
He doubted her because he doesn't know her yet. Eunji looked back and saw they were so close.
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "What happened?"
Eunji started acting to cough
Eunji: "Hyeon-Jun I'm allergic to daisies. Can we please move on far."
Hyeon-Jun saw that there was an open flower shop with some daisies. She is so smart and quick witted that she can quickly think an solution to run away from the situation. But Hyeon-Jun is also not fool to believe her. He noticed that some girls were running towards her by calling her name. He don't know her name but still guess it. Still he helped her to get on the bike and get away from there. While riding on the bike she was still acting to cough and sneeze. Phone came but she declined it and switched off her phone. Hyeon-Jun was keeping an eye on her all the way.

Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Get down."
Hyeon-Jun suddenly stopped his bike
Eunji: "Huh?"
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Get down."
She gets down and continues her acting
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Let's go inside."
Eunji: "Wait a second...this is an hospital."
She just realized when she looked up
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Yes."
Eunji: "I mean why are we going though?"
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "To cure your allergies. You have been coughing roughly."

Eunji panicked
Eunji: "Well it's not serious though. I'll take some medicines later on. Don't worry."
She smiled in pain
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "It's okay don't be afraid. I'm with you. Let's go."
Eunji: "What? Afraid? Why I'll be afraid? Not all girls are same Hyeon-Jun."
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Well first of all you should be happy that someone is paying your bills. If you are still resisting to go, that simply means you are afraid to visit the hospital."

Eunji: "No I'm not. Why are you forcing me? I told you it's not any serious."
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "How do you know it's not serious? Are you an doctor?"
Eunji: "Yes I'm a well certified doctor."
She was frustrated
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Show me your certificate then."
Eunji: "It's in my home."
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Liar."
Eunji: "I'm not an liar."
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Yes you are an liar. Fake girl."
Eunji: "Neither I'm an liar nor I'm fake."

Eunji tried so hard to maintain her image but slowly and steadily she was loosing her patience. It was because of Hyeon-Jun who was purposely blaming her
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Then why did you fake your allergies?"
Eunji: "I just did to run from the situation."
Choi Hyeon-Jun: "Oh."
At this point Eunji realised that she was being caught


The Wallflower Case (Story of an Introvert Girl)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt