Chapter 49: Justice (con.)

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You groaned as Noriaki tugged you onto the second floor landing, your eyes locking on the groups of the dead stumbling in from the halls on every side. The stairs were already blocked by a group of the dead, so that wasn't a choice. You obviously couldn't go down any of the halls either. What are we going to do? Your eyes grazed over the banister. Oh, god.

"Kakyoin! Y/n!" Joseph's voice cried from behind you. You turned to see him at the railing, peering over into the lobby below. "Jump!" He said as he hopped over the edge and released Hermit Purple, the thorny purple vines lashing out and embedding in the walls to lower himself safely. How the hell am I supp-

You gasped in surprise, cutting off your thought, when your feet suddenly weren't under you anymore. Noriaki had scooped you up bridal-style, his gaze set on the lobby below. He mimicked Joseph's actions, using Hierophant Green's tendrils to wrap around the banister and jump over with ease. You clutched him around the neck tightly, praying that you wouldn't be dropped. He landed with a sort of clumsy grace and gently placed you back on the ground, where your legs nearly gave out from under you. Noriaki caught you by the arms, startled, and helped to steady you.

"Are you alright?" He asked hastily.

"Fine," You chuckled as you gripped his forearms and forced your shaky legs still. "Just- A warning next time would be nice."

"Oops," Noriaki teased and smiled.

"Come on, let's move it!" Joseph called, starting for the large front doors. "Outside!"

You began to follow when a high squeal rising over the loud groans frightened you. You spun around toward the noise, and you saw that it was the hotel owner, scooting away from a group of the dead things coming out of the bar. You moved forward to help, but Noriaki gripped your shoulders and pulled you behind him.

"Go!" He shouted as he rushed forward, sending an Emerald Splash into the small horde. "I'll meet you there."

Does he think I'll get in the way? "But-"

"Cover Joestar-san!" He called as he reached the old woman, cutting you off. He met your eyes as he did. They weren't filled with the annoyance that you expected, but with a trust. With a firm nod, you took off after Jotaro's grandfather.

Just as you exited the doors, you stumbled back against them. A horde of the things encircled the building. They groaned as they spotted you, and began shuffling forward. Your heart beat a little faster. Shit. Where do I go from here? Where did Joestar-san go?

"Y/n!" Joseph's voice came from above you, answering your panicked thoughts. You looked up and grinned at the silhouettes of three of your friends in the darkness. Polnareff let out a gurgled yell as one of the things approached you from behind. White Angel's fist quickly solved that problem, and you situated yourself for a jump.

Using Angel's strength, you bounded up, flailing your arms and legs to try to keep your feet under you. The chilly wind in your face definitely didn't help your balance, either. You hit the rooftop stumbling, Polnareff being the only reason you didn't fall on your face. He caught your flailing arms and brought you to an abrupt halt. You took a few deep breaths to calm the adrenaline running through you.

"Are you okay, Chérie?" Polnareff asked, grinning.

"Yeah," You breathed. A smile crossed your lips. "Might need a little more practice, though."

Polnareff chuckled as you turned around to look at the ground below. You hadn't noticed before, but the ground was blanketed in a dense fog, obscuring the feet of your assailants. The groaning dead clawed at the side of the hotel, their blank, gray eyes staring up at you. You quickly ignored them. Where is he? Shouldn't he be out by now?

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