Chapter 11: The Frenchman

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Nobody moved. The French man smiled.

"You..." Kakyoin trailed off.

"Are you another stand user?" You exclaimed.

He chuckled under his breath and placed the carrot on his neck, right where the birthmark of Dio rests. The rice bowl on the table bubbled, and a long, sharp needle exploded out of it.

'It's not a needle. It's a rapier!' You thought hastily. 'It's going for Joestar-san!"

"Joestar-san! Look out!" Avdol cried before you could speak. "It's a stand!" Amazingly, Joseph caught it in his hand, between his fingers.

"The hell...?" You muttered.

Abruptly, Kakyoin yanked you from your seat and pulled you away from the table just as Avdol flipped it.

"Urg!" You grunted as you hit Kakyoin's chest. He had an arm wrapped around your waist and the other in front of him, ready to defend. He swung you behind him, and your arms found their way to his back as you peered around him.

Avdol had released Magician's Red. You watched as he spat fire at the stand user. With Avdol and Magician's Red against a swordsman, you figured things would go down quickly.

They didn't.

When Magician's Red spat fire at the man, his stand used the rapier to spin the flames around his blade.

"What?" Avdol cried.

The new opponent threw the flames still wrapped around his blade onto the upturned table, making a clock.

"He has such speed with his sword." Kakyoin gasped.

"My card is the Chariot card, and his name is...

"Silver Chariot!

"Mohammed Avdol, it appears you wish to die first. I've carved a burning clock into that table. Before it reaches twelve,-" his stand quickly pointed the tip of the rapier at Avdol. "-you will be a dead man!"

"You have a way with a sword, I'll give you that." Avdol replied calmly. "You think you can kill me before the hand on that clock reaches twelve? You seem to have quite the ego. And you are...?"

"Polnareff." He said. "Actually, allow me to properly introduce myself.

"That's Jean Pierre Polnareff!"

"Merci beaucoup. My thanks for the introduction." Avdol smirked. "However..." He pointed over to the clock table. The flames bursted hotter and louder. The wood of the table splintered and exploded. The bottom half was gone!

Everyone gasped at the display with the exception of Avdol himself and Polnareff, the French bastard. Fire sprinkled in the air. Kakyoin tightened his grip on your shoulder behind him.

"Kakyoin, it's okay." You muttered. "I'm fine. I can take care of myself, y'know."

"Y-yes, I know." Kakyoin stuttered. "I just..." He didn't know what else to say. He let go of your shoulder and glanced at you from behind while Avdol and Polnareff spoke. His face was pink with embarrassment. He felt the need to protect you. That was the only reason. He couldn't tell you that, though. That would end in disaster. He liked you, sure. Your warm, soft eyes that you seemed to hate. Your hair tied back into a loose bun. The school uniform you still wore draped and wrinkled over a pair of black pants acquired from a shop before you left. He felt his heart blaze as he looked at you. He swallowed sourly. You didn't like him. You couldn't like him.

Nobody ever did.

You placed your hand on his back gratefully. Your stomach flipped while he was staring at you. You already told yourself you couldn't do this again, so why are you?

"Thank you, Kakyoin." You told him. He smiled at your thanks. There was another emotion behind it, however. You couldn't spot just what it was before Joseph said something.

"He pierced all the coins in one swing!" He exclaimed.

You looked away from Kakyoin's lovely face to see the stand user had pierced five gold coins on his rapier. Although, there was something else about it that made it even more impressive. He had also pierced five of Avdol's fire bulbs that exploded from the table.

"Look closer, Ji-ji." Jojo said.

"What?" Kakyoin asked.

"I see. He's cut a flame for each coin." Avdol confirmed.

Polnareff chuckled.

"So you understand the significance of my moves. I am no egoist. my stand can slice the flames apart. I can cut through the atmosphere, creating gaps between the layer of gasses." He smirked. "Which means your flames are no match for my Silver Chariot."

He threw the coins and flames off of his blade and withdrew his stand. Surprisingly, the bell to the front doors rang. Behind you was Polnareff, opening the door and beckoning you to follow.

"The hell? When did you get there, Frenchie?" You exclaimed.

"The Chariot is the card of victory and conquest.." He ignored your words. "I could dispose of you right here in this modest restaurant, but Avdol, are your flames not better suited for wide open spaces? To destroy you at your best is the only victory worthy of my stand. All of you, outside!"

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