Chapter 43: Sew Me Up

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"What an odd fellow," Noriaki said as he approached the defeated stand user. He placed his hands on his hips and cocked his head to the side.

Disgust etched itself into your features when you saw him, red welts and yellow sores obscuring his face, blood dripping from his broken nose and cracked teeth. His frame was thin and weak, except for his heavily muscular arms and large belly. It made his body disproportionate, uncanny.

"His arms are the size of boulders, and everything else is so small," Noriaki continued. "Talk about a bluff."

The user practically squealed in terror as he flipped himself over and attempted to crawl away. Polnareff easily stopped him, stamping a foot down on his shoulder.

"Oi!" He sneered. "Going somewhere?"

"Don't kill me!" The man screamed. "Don't kill me, please! I'm just in this for the money!"

The group burst out into laughter at the user's misery, Polnareff's raucous laughter rising above everyone else's. Jotaro walked up behind you and Noriaki, a small smile plastered on his face. You spun around, grinning, about to tell him that it really did work, when you saw him clutching his fist in discomfort.

"Jojo?" Noriaki raised an eyebrow. "Are you alright?"

Jotaro seemed a little surprised by his comment, but nodded his head.

"Yeah, don't worry about me," he assured you both.

Frowning, you delicately took his hand. A knot formed in your throat as you looked over his burned knuckles. Small red welts rose on the surface of his tan skin.

"Jotaro!" You gasped. "Oh god. I'm so sorry. I didn't think. I should've left part of it unheated or something. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine," Jojo replied bluntly. "You did what you thought to do. I don't blame you."

"But you're still hurt, and it's my fault," You activated Angel's ability on his hand, receiving a sigh, and turned to Joseph. "Joestar-san, do you... the hell?"

Your eyebrows knitted together as you caught sight of Polnareff standing in front of a rock, laughing giddily. As he stepped away, you almost broke into laughter yourself. You did hear Noriaki snicker beside you. Polnareff had chained the user upside-down to a large boulder. He had shoved one of the chains into the man's mouth and drew it taught, garbling any speech that left his throat. He planted a battered sign with hurried, but neat handwriting that said:


"Polnareff, where did you get those chains?" You asked him. "Out your ass?"

"Of course not, Chérie," He laughed. "I found them in the- Jotaro!" An expression of shock came over his face. "Are you alright?"

"Why the hell do ya'll keep asking me that?" Jojo huffed.

Polnareff rushed forward, snatching his hand from yours and examining it himself.

"Shit!" Jotaro jumped in sudden pain. He tore his hand away from the concerned Frenchman and glared at him. "Watch it."

"Désolé!" Polnareff clutched his hands to his chest. "Sorry! What the hell happened? Con, you should've let us help!"

"It was my fault," You muttered. "Jojo burned his hand on the rock I threw."

"Super!" Polnareff cried, tossing his hands into the air. "Maintenant on se fait du mal! Comme si nous avions besoin de plus de blessures en ce moment! Nous avons failli être abattus, éventrés avec des couteaux, en fait abattus avec du gaz de toutes choses-"

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