Chapter 2: The Joestars

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"Ok, so what you're saying is that stands are materializations of our own energy and strength." You say as you cross the small bridge leading into the yard of Jojo's home.

"Basically, yes." He confirmed.

"Okay. I totally get that, and it is not confusing at all."

"Good." He grunted.

'Man, he does not get sarcasm.'

After Jotaro had knocked Kakyoin unconscious, he threw the red-haired boy over his shoulders. He groaned as he was picked up, but he didn't awake. His red curl fell in front of his face, and his purple eyes fluttered open and then closed. His eyes seemed... unnatural. Like the emotion in them didn't suit his face. You were still puzzled by this when Jojo hopped out the window of the room, which was thankfully on the first floor. You quickly followed him.

He had explained on the walk to his home about the basics of stands. Only after about 5 minutes of you bugging him about it. You now know what your White Angel is. You were eternally grateful that none of Jotaro's "fans" appeared during the walk.

You are now in front of his home listening to his mother fawn over him.

"At this very moment, my Jotaro must be thinking about me at school!" She hugged a picture of him she had picked up from a table. "It must be that psychic connection between mother and son."

"It's not." Jotaro affirmed as you both stopped at the front door. She squealed in surprise and turned around.

"Jotaro!" She exclaimed. "What about school? And who are these two? Why is he covered in blood?"

"Stay out of this." He said plainly.

"I'm sorry, Kujo-san." You bowed in apology. "My name is Y/n L/n."

"It's nice to meet you, Y/n-san. You can call me Seiko." She smiled. "It's nice to see Jotaro bring a girl home for once."

"Yare yare daze." Jojo said, pulling his cap down with his free hand. "She's here to talk to Ji-ji."

"O-kay!" She giggled. "What about-"

"Don't worry about him." You interrupted. "He hit his head, and we're gonna bandage him up. We didn't know where he lived." You laughed.

"Mm. Okay. Papa and Avdol-san are in the tea room, Jotaro."

"Why does this house have to be so freaking big?" Jojo muttered as he started toward the tea room.

You were a bit shocked with how Jotaro acted with his mother. It's like he didn't care at all.

"I'd better- yeah." You said as you jogged to catch up with him. You looked back at Seiko, and she was looking at Jotaro longingly. Pity rose up in you. Why did he treat her so poorly? Jotaro walked a ways more before he stopped.

"Oi." He called.

"Yes?" Seiko asked.

"You're looking a little pale today. You okay?"

Joy filled Seiko's eyes as you looked at Jotaro, confused. He does care for her, very much, actually. So why does he act like he doesn't?

"Yay! Fine, thank you!" She responded in English. You caught "Thank you", but you didn't recognize the other words. You could assume what they were, though. Jotaro chuckled a bit under his breath. You smiled at Seiko and turned to follow Jotaro.


"It doesn't look good." Joseph announced. "It's too late."

Joseph and Avdol both introduced themselves when you entered the room. Avdol was a young Egyptian man, around six feet tall, maybe taller. He wore a long, red cloak and a beige shirt and pants. He had gold earrings of circles on with Egyptian symbols on each circle. They were one chain that went around his front like a necklace.

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