Chapter 21: Strength

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You and Anne walked down the hall towards the cabin. You didn't really know where it was, but you could assume from the rukus the crew was making. They were yelling and knocking things over. You'd think they'd have gone mad. You felt a small tug at your shirt.

"Y/n?" Anne asked. "Can we go see the orangutan again? I want to make sure it's okay in there."

"No. We're going straight to the cabin, Anne." You stated plainly. She tugged at your shirt again.

You looked down at her face. She had puppy dog eyes, and her bottom lip stuck out. You did not want to see that ape. The last time you saw it was the last time you ever wanted to see it. The ape made your stomach queasy. Damn it.

"Ugh, fine. But just for a moment."

She grinned mischievously and hurried to the control room door.

'How do I get myself into these situations?' You chuckled under your breath.

You stepped into the back room directly behind Anne. The monkey sat in the middle of the cage, almost as if it was expecting you. You felt the same unease enter your stomach. The ape groaned and pointed to the lock again.

"You want me to let you out?" Anne said softly. "I can't. I don't know where the key is. Plus, you're too big to be let out."

The ape reached its hand through the bar, giving something to the girl. You walked up to her, peering over her head to see what the monkey had.

"You're giving me an apple?" She asked. "This apple's been cut, but it hasn't gone brown yet." She looked up at you warily. You looked straight ahead at the ape. Narrowing your eyes, you stepped in front of Anne.

"That means there's someone on this hunk of metal, yes?" You hissed. Something was wrong with this animal. Very wrong. The ape growled. You looked down at Anne, her face a mix of confusion and fear.

"Anne, we should-" You stopped at the sound of a match being lit. You clenched your jaw as you slowly turned to meet the orangutan's eye. It had raised the match to its mouth, where a cigarette sat between its lips.

"Whoa. It sure is a smart monkey." Anne commented.

"Yeah." You knitted your eyebrows. "Yeah, it is."

The ape continued smoking without a care as it reached into the back of the cage for something. A magazine. You quickly brought your hands to Anne's eyes and began to push her out of the room.

"Ah! Watch it!" She cried. She stumbled over the doorway as you hastily closed and locked the door behind you.

'What the hell. What. The. Hell. I know I did not just see an ape look at a Playboy magazine.' You looked over at Anne, who was equally as confused.

"Did it..." She trailed off. A red flush came across her tan cheeks.

"Yes. Yeah. It had a magazine." You confirmed. The deep pit of unease worsened. "Let's go down to the cabin, Anne."

"Okay." She agreed. "I don't want to see the ape again."

"Neither do I, sis. Let's go."

Anne took your hand and started walking with you again. You passed a couple of crew members on their way to the radio. They told you they were going to try to get it on and working. You nodded and thanked them.

You looked down at Anne as you walked. Her hair had become stringy and stiff. Her blue overalls and pink button-up still weren't completely dry from the stand encounter that occurred yesterday. You gave yourself an experimental sniff under the arm.

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