Chapter 10: Hong Kong

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Joseph stood in a phone booth across the street from your group. You couldn't hear what he was talking about, but it must've been important. You could hear the seriousness in Joseph's voice.

"Oi! Girl!" A voice called from behind you. "You guys aren't from around here, are ya? Want some rice porridge? Can't come to Hing Kong and not try our dim sum or rice porridge! We have hot cola, too!"

"Rice porridge, eh? Not bad." Kakyoin turned to you and Jojo, who were standing beside him. "Did you know? Unlike in Japan, rice porridge is a staple in Hong Kong." He smiled at down at you. You felt your stomach knot up, and you quickly looked away, a blush rising to your cheeks. You didn't see it, but Jotaro's face was laced with amusement. You were a tough girl. He gave you that, but you were oblivious as hell. Kakyoin had a small tint to his cheeks as he ordered some porridge.

"Oi! You boys think we have time to eat?" Joseph called from the street.

"I'm a girl, actually." You remarked.

"You don't act like one." Joseph said. "Anyway, I'm taking you all to an old favorite."

You didn't know what to say to that one. Were you supposed to be offended? Proud? Kakyoin put a hand on your shoulder gently. You looked up at him, confusion still in your eyes.

"He just means you're tough, Y/n." He laughed. "You can take pride in that."

"But, I'm not a boy." You groaned. "Boys are gross."

Kakyoin just stared at you. His face still held the smile, but there was a hurt behind his eyes.

"I-I mean- No, I just meant- I like boys. I just don't wanna be one." You tripped over your words. You awkwardly smiled as Kakyoin's face softened slightly. He chuckled a bit, and your stomach flared.

Jojo groaned. "C'mon, lovebirds."

You realized how close you were standing to Kakyoin. Your face immediately turned red.

"Jojo!" You hissed. The corners of his lips turned up in a smirk. You turned back to Kakyoin, who was beet red. You sighed. "Ugh, let's go." You tugged on his uniform, and he quickly followed.

'Like a puppy.' Jotaro thought.


"It would be fastest to go by plane, but we cannot allow any more innocent people to be injured." Avdol commented.

The restaurant was a nice place. Small. It had traditional wall dividers, with framed images on them. The images were in Kanji, a Chinese writing system you couldn't read. The lighting was perfect, not too bright, but not too dim. Red lanterns hung in doorways. The tables had a grass green tablecloth which, despite the color, seemed to fit with the room well. The floor was a dark, polished hardwood. You were sat between Cherry boy and Tall, Dark, and Brooding.

"Indeed." Joseph agreed. "Traveling by plane to Egypt in completely out of the question. If we encounter another stand user like the last one on a commercial flight, we'll cause a disaster that could harm many people. We'll have to go to Cairo by land or sea."

"Wait, why can't we use a private plane or jet from the Speedwagon Foundation?" You suggested.

"Do you really want to be on a plane with Ji-ji again?" Jotaro commented. Joseph scoffed.


"We can't risk getting on another plane with the possibility of tunning into another stand user." Avdol explained. "We survived the last one because the stand didn't harm too much of the plane, and Joestar-san was able to land it on the water. If we encounter a user more powerful than Tower of Gray, they could severely damage the plane."

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