Chapter 14: Two Right Hands

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"The boat we chartered from the Speedwagon Foundation yesterday should be at the harbor by now." Joseph informed the group.

You were walking in between Kakyoin and Jojo on the harbor. Shipping crates surrounded you on all sides except for the ocean.

"Isn't the ocean so pretty!" You tugged on Kakyoin's sleeve. He turned to look at your joyful face. The sunlight sparkled in your eyes just right. You clinged to his sleeve, looking in awe at the ocean. He felt his heart beat drastically increase.

"Very." He murmured, still looking at you.

You turned up to meet his eyes, and your face flushed in embarrassment. You don't need to cling to his sleeve, you baby! You quickly released his sleeve and looked away, much to Kakyoin's disappointment. You stared ahead at the ocean in front of you. Suddenly, the silver-haired man came into view.

"What's wrong? Something on your mind, Polnareff?" Avdol asked.

"I never thanked you properly for freeing me from Dio's mind control." Polnareff replied.

After you had pulled the flesh bud out, you helped clean him up and treat the burns. Kakyoin was staring at you the whole time, a look on his face you couldn't quite place. It was almost as if he was... jealous. But that couldn't be it. Why would he be jealous of Polnareff? He didn't want to be burned and unconscious.

"Don't thank me, thank Jojo." Avdol said to him.

"I'm good." Jojo said bluntly. You snickered a little at the comment. Kakyoin elbowed you softly.

"Ouch." You smiled. You pretended to glare at him, but he only smiled. The smile was laced with amusement. You reached out to hit him in retaliation, but one of Heirophant's tentacles stopped you. Kakyoin smiled as he looked down at you. "Ugh. No fair."

Kakyoin patted your shoulder lovingly. Such a kind gesture, something you hadn't yet gotten used to. You felt your heart warm up. You laughed and shook your head.

Avdol chuckled.

"It was a kind thought, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears."

Polnareff sighed.

"As you wish. I have no desire to come off as heavy-handed. But I'm not quite finished, yet." He turned to Joseph. "Monsieur Joestar, I hope you'll indulge my asking of a very bizarre question."

"Bizarre question?" Joseph asked.

"It's none of my business, but I noticed you never take off your glove, even while eating. Your left hand wouldn't happen to be a right, would it?"

"What? My left hand a right one?"

"You definitely weren't kidding about the bizarre part." You told him. "What do you mean?"

Polnareff's face hardened in a second. His eyes held such anger and hate that it made you want to back away.

"I'm looking for the man who murdered my sister." He seethed. "I don't know what he looks like, only that he has two right hands."

Everyone stared at him in surprise. Joseph began silently removing his glove, revealing a mechanical hand that had a hole punctured through the steel.

'Oh. That explains how he caught the rapier.' You thought.

"It's a wound from fifty years ago, a badge of honor." Joseph explained.

"I apologize for being so rude. Please forgive me." Polnareff replied.

"If it's not too painful, tell me what happened." Joseph asked him.

Polnareff grunted and turned around towards the sea, as if preparing himself. You listened intently as he told about the death of his young sister, Sherri. As he continued, you found that the man who had murdered his sister was a stand user. Polnareff said the rain didn't touch him, even though it was pouring. You also learned that the man had raped the child beforehand.

You clenched your jaw, grating your teeth. You had a friend in middle school who was raped by an adult man. It was your social studies teacher. Your friend moved schools after that because the school board refused to fire him, as there was no real evidence. You didn't talk anymore, but you remember right after it happened. She was distraught, scared by every little movement or noise. You were the only one she allowed to get close to her. Everytime you tried to have her go to the board again, she refused. She said it could ruin her family reputation. You never saw her again after she moved.

Your nails dug into your palms when you tightened your fists, Kakyoin looked down at you. The anger in your eyes just kept growing. He had never seen you this angry.

He placed a gentle hand on the small of your back, rubbing soft circles to calm you. You felt tears prick at your eyes. You blinked them down and leaned a bit closer to him, his warmth comforting. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He hadn't had the chance to talk to you alone lately. Once he got a chance, he was going to ask you what happened on the plane and why you were so angry right now.

"I knew that man had a power not unlike which I had been hiding all these years." Polnareff told you all.

"He's a stand user, all right." Joseph confirmed.

"I swore an oath!" Polnareff whipped around, determination filling his body. "I swore to my sister's soul I would avenge her, to hunt down that killer and make him pay with his life! I would use my stand as a means of righteous vengeance!"

He proceeded to speak to you, telling you how he had met Dio almost a year ago. Dio had shown him a vision of his pain. He manipulated Polnareff into following him. He promised he would help him find the man who had raped and killed his sister.

"Then I was ordered to kill you all." Polnareff's voice sounded regretful. "I felt it was the right thing to do."

"The flesh bud is partially responsible," Avdol said. "But it seems he's quite the manipulator."

"Indeed." Kakyoin agreed. "And based on that story, I would wager that the man with two right hands is already his underling."

"I've made up my mind! I want to travel with you to Egypt!" Polnareff exclaimed. "By going after Dio, I'll find the one who took my sister's dignity and life!"

"How about it?" You asked. "I don't mind. You seem cool. It'd be nice to have another stand user, too."

"I've no objections." Avdol replied.

"Even If we told him no, he'd just follow along."

Jotaro sighed.

"Yare ya-"

"Excuse us!" A couple girls scrambled towards Jojo. They were all giddy and smiley. "Would you mind taking our picture?"

Before waiting for an answer, they thanked him and told him how they wanted the picture, their backs on the ocean.

"Really? He's only seventeen." You muttered.

"He is very tall, Y/n." Kakyoin pointed out. "Also, his hat covers his face most of the time."

"Kakyoin. He's wearing a school uniform."

"Oh. You know that's a good point."

"Shut up already! Go bug someone else!" Jojo yelled at the fawning girls.

"Now, now, now, I'd be glad to take your picture." Polnareff butted in. "Come, come, you have very nice legs. I'll be sure to get them in the shot!"

He ushered the girls over to the end of the pier and took pictures of them. They looked a bit confused at first, but soon found the Frenchman hilarious as he commented on how pretty they were and flirted with them.

"Trés bien!" He shouted. "If only I could take your heart instead of your picture!"

"His personality is..." Avdol paused. "Mystifying."

"What. The hell." You squinted in disbelief. "Wasn't he just super serious and deadly?"

"His emotions change on a dime." Kakyoin commented. He realized his arm was still around you, but he didn't remove it. He rubbed his thumb over your shoulder and pulled you a bit closer. Your stomach did a somersault at the sudden movement. Your breathing hitched, but you slowly relaxed into the bigger form.

"More like he's got two brains, and the one downstairs started calling the shots." Joseph announced.

"Yare yare daze."

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