Chapter 19: The Freighter

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Noriaki shook you awake as the sun rose into the sky. The horizon was filled with hues of red and orange, the clouds creating a sort of heavenly surrounding. Fog coated the air, but not so much you couldn't see. You blinked against the painful light. When your eyes adjusted, you saw the red head smiling down at you. You smiled back, a warm feeling rising in your stomach. His hair tendril fell in front of his face. His purple eyes had a hint of tiredness, but whose didn't? Nobody had gotten a restful sleep since you left. It was a beautiful sight to wake up to. You sat up stiffly, groaning as you stretched your joints.

"I didn't keep you awake, did I?" You asked him.

"He was sleeping like a baby, Y/n." Jotaro muttered from under his hat. "Don't you worry."

Noriaki's face turned red almost immediately.

"No, you did not keep me awake, as Jojo so aptly put it." He laughed, embarrassed.

Anne stirred beneath you. She was still covered in the gakuran Noriaki gave you last night. You leaned over and gently shook her.

"Anne, wake up." You said softly. "It's time to get up, sis."

She groaned, but opened her eyes. She closed them at the harsh sunlight of morning. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes.

"What?" She murmured. Anne suddenly became alert. She whipped her head around and scooted closer to you. "What's happening?"

You took her shoulder gently.

"Nothing's happening. We're okay." You told her.

Anne relaxed at your voice. She seemed to realize she was still covered with the gakuran, so she picked it up and handed it back to Kakyoin.

"Here... you go." She hesitantly handed it over. "Thanks, I guess."

"No problem." He smiled.

His biceps and pecs flexed as he threw the jacket on. You could tell he did it on purpose, but it made you flustered nonetheless. You saw Joseph sift around his bag for something, and it gave you an excuse to hide your face.

"Here, have some water." He said, pulling out a canteen and handing it to Anne. She took it, but only held it in her hands.

"What the hell is going on here?" She asked. "Who are you guys?"

"Just think of us as fellow travelers." Joseph replied. "You're on a journey to see your father, I'm on one for my daughter."

Anne seemed to accept the answer and took a drink from the canteen. She glanced over the side of the boat, into the fog.

"Chérie?" Polnareff asked for you.

You turned your head and hummed in question.

"What was that thing you did with your stand during the fight? All the water around you was boiling."

"Yeah, Jojo and I tried to go in after you, but it was too hot to get near it." Noriaki added.

"I was wondering the same thing." Avdol popped in.

"Oh. That. I don't really know. I got really pissed off at him for calling me names and poking fun at me. Next thing I knew, White Angel was glowing white, and the water boiled around me." You leaned back on the side of the boat. "Huh. I guess you were right, Jojo."

Jotaro grunted. He had a lit cigarette in his mouth. Polnareff crossed his arms and rested his head, looking towards the floor of the boat. Noriaki leaned into the side of the boat, still looking at you.

"I suspect she can make heat and light from what you have told us." Avdol explained. "Do you think you are able to control it?"

"With a bit of practice, yeah. I'm sure I could."

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