Chapter 37: Onward

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Hehehe Heirophant's lil horsey legs <3

The artist is @herzspalter on Twitter

"Shit," Hol Horse muttered. His eyes were wide in disbelief as he watched the three young stand users from behind a pergola leg. He withdrew his stand, a large pistol, and stepped back from the blood seeping towards his shoes. They had defeated J. Geil? The Hanged Man? He had to admit, he wasn't a huge fan of the whole molesting/raping children, but he was a good ally. Without him or some other user, he was at a disadvantage. Only by pairing up with another user do his real abilities shine. Better to be number one than number two, his ass.

Hol Horse spun on his heels, beginning to run. He needed to wait for the next opportunity. Unfortunately, his plans were cut short by a large fist meeting his face. He cried out as he was thrown backward, landing flat on his back. His broken nose spurted with bright red blood.

You whipped around at the sound, your heart rate increasing. Did J. Geil come back?!

That thought was put to ease when you found it was the stranger from earlier. However, another emotion weaved its way through your mind. Hol Horse, J. Geil said his name was? The son of a bitch who murdered Avdol.

"Bastard!" Polnareff cried beside you, looking right at the man on the ground. Hol Horse only groaned.

Before Polnareff could move, two familiar faces appeared from around the corner Hol Horse had hidden behind.

"Jotaro!" Noriaki grinned. "Joestar-san!"

You smiled as well and moved closer to your two friends, Noriaki and Polnareff following suit. A dull pain throbbed in your back, and you knew you would have to treat the injury later.

"We already know about Avdol," Joseph said gruffly. A sharp pang of hurt crossed through your heart, and the happiness you felt a moment ago was replaced with grief. "We gave him a simple, but proper burial."

Noriaki noticed the change in your demeanor. He looked down at you sadly and brushed his hand against yours. You flushed a soft pink, but took his hand and squeezed softly.

As he looked at you, he could see the injuries J. Geil had inflicted upon you. Cuts and scrapes littered your face, and parts of your uniform had been slashed open, blood staining the edges. A large cut went down your back at an angle. If you hadn't stopped the bleeding earlier, it might still have been dripping blood. It looked deep, and it might leave a scar.

He felt anger rise in his chest, and, though it felt wrong to admit, he was glad J. Geil was dead.

He returned your squeeze as you met his worried gaze. You smiled sadly, assuring him you were fine, then turned your attention back to Hol Horse. Your smile dropped instantly, trading it for a scowl. Hatred burned in your mind.

Hol Horse cupped a hand over his nose and tried scooting away, but he had had the air ripped from his lungs when he hit the ground, making it difficult to move or breathe.

"So," Jotaro deadpanned. "What are we gonna do with this guy?"

Noriaki spoke up, a scowl on his lips.

"The bastard who stabbed Avdol in the back was J. Geil," he sneered, and gestured to the body by the gate. "He has been taken care of. However, the direct cause of death was the bullet he fired."

"I see," Joseph muttered.

"It's settled then," Jojo said, his deep, intimidating voice laced with dark intent. You sometimes forget how frightening Jojo can be, but you know that he'd do anything to protect his mother and his friends.

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