Chapter 27: Yellow Temperance

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You stood next to Jojo, leaning on the balcony of the cable car building. Anne was on the other side of him, happily lapping up her ice cream. You and Jotaro had grabbed a cone, too, but it was quite difficult to enjoy with a stand user impersonating your best friend.

The user said something a moment ago about going to use the bathroom, but you and Jojo kept looking over your shoulders. Even Anne was a bit startled.

You glanced back just in time to see "Noriaki" returning to the three of you.

"He's coming back." You murmured to Jojo. You took a lick of your dripping ice cream. Jotaro nodded.

"Oi, Jotaro." He called. "Are you going to eat that cherry?" He pointed to the cherry on top of Jojo's ice cream. "If not, then hand it over already. I'm starving."

He smiled as he walked over and plucked the cherry off. All of a sudden, Jojo was falling off the balcony.

"Uh-oh! Better watch out, Jotaro-kun!" Noriaki cried gleefully.

Jojo let out a grunt of surprise as he toppled over the railing. Anne cried out and gripped his hand tightly, bringing it to the railing. He looked down at his dangling feet and the road beneath him. He clenched hard to the metal bar. He was only holding himself up by one hand.

"Jojo!" You exclaimed. He looked up at you from the railing. He was obscuring it well, but his eyes were wide from fear. If you didn't know him, you couldn't have told that he was scared at all. What the hell is going on?

"Good one, huh, Y/n-chan?" Noriaki mused. You shot him a hard look, and his confidence seemed to waver a little, but not enough. He quickly popped the cherry into his mouth.

You reached down and grasped Jojo's arm with both hands. He reached with his other hand and clutched your arm. His feet scrambled on the brick wall as he searched for the ledge. His was slipping and scraping on the brick, and he grunted with fear. Finally, with one final pull on his arms, his feet found the ledge, and he hauled himself over the railing. Anne quickly came to his side as he rose to his feet. Her brown eyes were saucers when she looked up at him.

"I'm alright, half pint." You heard him mutter to her. He placed a protective hand on her head. His eyes shot up to Noriaki, confusion and anger flooding them.

"I'm only playing with you, Y/n-chan, Jotaro-kun~." The fake smiled. He began obscenely swirling the cherry around in his mouth, seemingly murmuring "rero".

Your face contorted into one of disgust. The cherry fell out of his mouth, onto the dirty concrete. Jotaro continued glaring at him.

"There's that look again." Noriaki chuckled. He picked up the cherry from the ground and placed it in his mouth again. "What's with all this hard-core glaring, Jotaro-senpai?"

"Look." You sneered. You gestured behind him to where a cable car had come to a stop. "The cable car is here, Noriaki. Get in."

"See, I've got your ticket right here." Jotaro snarled, raising his fist. "I'm gonna knock your crooked, possessed ass right into that cable car!"

The stand user's eyes widened only a moment before Jojo's fist made contact with his face. "Noriaki's" jaw split open, revealing tendons and muscle and blood. He flew back into the cable car, jaw hanging off of one side.

"What?" Jojo exclaimed. Anne squealed and gripped your shirt for comfort. You stared in shock. Human skin and bone do not break that easy. What exactly are we dealing with here?

Both you and Jojo stood in the door of the car, staring down at the thing that looked like your friend.

The thing chuckled.

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