Chapter 26: Traitor

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Okay, I know this isn't Nori but I found this hot picture of Polnareff and I just had to share it.


If any of ya'll know who the artist is please let me know. I want to start crediting the artists but I can hardly find any of them. Thanks <3

Anyway, I'm sorry you can go on with the chapter :>

You felt sick as you walked with Noriaki back to your shared room with Anne. Your face held a look of distress, and Nori noticed. When you pulled your room keys out of your pocket, he stopped you from unlocking the door. He turned you towards him, hands on your shoulders.

"Y/n." He said, looking into your frightened eyes. He was equally as scared as you, but he didn't show it.

"Nori." Your hands were shaking. "I'm scared." You looked up at him, searching for comfort in his vibrant purple eyes.

He looked at you for a moment before tightly embracing you, hands wrapped under your arms, lifting you to your toes. He rested his head on your shoulder as you buried your face into his neck.

"We were so busy dealing with stand users that I didn't have time to be scared. But now I am." You muttered. "Devo the Cursed found Polnareff as soon as we walked into the hotel. That means others probably know where we are."

"It's alright to be scared, Y/n." He soothed, rubbing your back. "I am, too. It'll all be okay. I promise."

You tightened your arms around his neck, and he returned the squeeze. You sighed into his neck and pulled away.

"Thank you, Cherry." You smiled, hands falling to your sides.

"Anytime." He said softly. You stared at one another for a moment. You soaked in his beauty. His soft, red hair, and cute nose. His toned body, mostly hidden by the gakuran. His eyebrows knitted together in worry and awe. Oh my god.

You felt your heart thumping in your chest, and warmth rising in your neck, towards your face. You cleared your throat and tore your eyes from his gaze. You reached for your key and pushed it into the door. Before you walked inside, you turned around to face him.

"Goodnight, Noriaki."

"Goodnight, Y/n."

Then, you disappeared through the door. Noriaki wiped his face with his hand and silently cursed himself as he began walking down the hall.

You woke up the next morning to a pounding on your door. Jerking awake, you whipped your head towards Anne, who was still peacefully sleeping. Must be Jojo. How is she sleeping through that?

You quickly slipped out of the sheets and trotted over to the door. Peeking through the peephole, you saw a very distorted Jotaro raising his fist for another knock. Before he could, you clicked the door unlocked and opened it.

"Shit, what time is it?" You muttered, rubbing your dry eyes.

"Don't worry, it's still pretty early." He replied. "Noriaki and I are going out if you wanna come."

"Sure. Why not." You shrugged, turning to look at a still sleeping Anne. "I'll get Anne up."

"Okay. Meet us in the lobby."

You held a thumbs up as you rubbed your eyes again and shut the door. You showered last night to calm your nerves, so you didn't need one this morning, but Anne needed one. You walked over to her bed and sat on the edge. You shook her from sleep.

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