Chapter 5: The Fly

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"No matter how many times I try, the pictures always come out with him in darkness." Joseph frowned. "My pictures never reveal his whereabouts."

You had just learned about Joseph's stand ability: psychic photography. Its name is Hermit Purple, and it takes the form of thorny, purple vines. All you knew about Avdol's was that it was incredibly strong and dangerous.

"We've used every means to no avail." Avdol added. "The darkness is impenetrable."

"Oi," Jotaro said. "Why didn't you say anything? I have a feeling it might just be able to-" He released Star Platinum, "-find the bastard."

"Oh yeah! Your stand has greater precision than a machine." You commented.

Jojo nodded. Everyone was silent as Star Platinum worked. It wasn't even a minute later that he had found something.

"Seems it found something behind Dio." Jojo said suddenly. He walked over to the desk in the back of the room and pulled out a notebook and pen.

"My stand can move accurately enough to remove a flesh bud, and catch bullets mid-air." He reminded them. "Let's have it sketch what it sees."

He held the notebook as Star Platinum brought the pen to the paper. It began to move the pen at an incredible speed. You shuffled a bit closer to see what it was sketching. It was a very detailed drawing of... a fly?

"How is a fly supposed to help?" You say. "There are, like, trillions of them. Everywhere." Kakyoin nodded. Joseph sighed.

"Wait!" Avdol cried. "I know this species! Jojo, do you have an encyclopedia?"

"The library's out back."

"Give me the sketch." Jotaro tore out the page and handed to him. "I'll be back!" He said as he left the room.

"How do you identify one species of fly?" Kakyoin asked. "There's tons of them." You shrugged.

Holly stirred in bed. Her face was drenched in sweat. Her eyes opened wearily.

"Holly." Joseph said gently.

"Papa, I-"

"Just rest." He said. "Y/n, water, go get some water."

"Oh, yes, Joestar-san." You said. You looked at Kakyoin, and he was already walking towards the door. You both exited the room and started towards the kitchen for a cup.

"He follows her around like a lost puppy." Jotaro commented.

"I'm sure he has his reasons." Joseph grinned. "But now, we care for Holly."


You and Kakyoin made your way out of the tea room and towards the kitchen. When you arrived, you opened the cabinet for a cup. You reached as high as you could, but failed to grasp one. You heard Kakyoin chuckle behind you.

"What, Cherry?" You glared at him.

"I think it's just a bit funny, is all." He smiled at the nickname.

"What's funny?"

"The not-being-able-to-reach-a-cup."

"What do you want me to do about it?" You retorted. "I'm only five-five." You crossed your arms angrily. Kakyoin raised his arms in defeat.

"Sorry." He grinned. "Let me get it for you." He walked up beside you and reached for the cup. Once he had grabbed it, he held it in the air for a moment.

"Kakyoin! We have to get water for Seiko!" You reminded him as you tried to stay swrious.

"Fine, here you go." He let out a light laugh. You glared at him as he lowered the cup. You snatched it from him and turned on the sink. You stuck your tongue out at him. He flushed a bit, but you chalked it up to embarrassment.

You and Kakyoin laughed the whole way back to the tea room. However, when you arrived, no one was there. The bed was gone, too.

"Maybe they're in Seiko's bedroom." Kakyoin suggested. You nodded. You wandered around the whole house, looking for a bedroom. You finally found it while Joseph was laying Seiko down on the bed.

"Here, Joestar-san, the water you asked for." You extended the cup to him.

"Thank you, Y/n, Kakyoin." Seiko smiled. Joseph took the cup to her. She drank it quickly.

"I'm really sorry. I don't know how I developed a fever so quickly." She laughed nervously. As she continued talking, you noticed a thorny, green vine poke out behind her.

'Is that her stand?' You thought. 'Can stands kill their own user?'

You noticed Jotaro and Kakyoin caught sight of it, too. Jojo was leaned against the doorframe, almost non-chalant, but there was a tense-ness to it. His eyes stayed on his mother, a scowl printed on his lips. A lump appeared in your throat. Even if Jojo didn't necessarily want to show his emotions, they were there. Subtle, but there.

"You had us worried, Holly." Joseph told her. "Here, you have to brush your teeth." He picked up a toothbrush and toothpaste that was on the floor. He walked around to her left side.

"Say 'ahh'." He said.

"Ahhh." She opened her mouth and Joseph began to brush her teeth. Jojo still leaned against the doorframe, watching his grandfather take care of Seiko.

Kakyoin put a hand on your shoulder. You turned to look at him and he nodded his head towards the door. You nodded and patted his hand. You turned and made your way to the door.

Jotaro snorted in the doorway. You looked at him and tilted your head.

"Hm?" You asked.

Jojo put the back of his hand against a smile creeping onto his face. Kakyoin came up behind you and tugged on your arm.

"Uh, okay." You said, still very puzzled by what was going on around you.

Jojo held his hand to his mouth until he got his face under control. It was quite hilarious, actually. When Y/n patted Kakyoin on the hand, he turned beet red, and shock overtook his face. Wide, purple eyes and a slightly open mouth. He couldn't hold back the laugh that left him. He was pretty sure he embarrassed Kakyoin. So that was why he followed you around.

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